Part 4

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The Next Morning I called Griffin to come help and Drive me home.

"So he left yesterday?" Griffin questioned as he helped me bring stuff into the house, Lara was taking a nap in the living room on the couch.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Are you going to be ok here alone or are your parents coming? Griffin asked.

"They have a lot going on right now so I'll be ok by myself," I said as we brought the last couple things in.

"Well that's everything, is there anything else you need before I take off?" Griffin asked. I shook my head and he gave me a hug.

"Call us if you need anything tho," He said and I nodded.

"Ok," I said and Griffin left. I went into the house and sighed.

"This place is going to be so boring without Jaden," I said to myself and went into the living room to check on Lara. She was still sleeping on the couch. I sat on the loveseat and scrolled through Instagram for awhile. Eventually Lara woke up and I took care of her before taking her out to the pack patio. I sat on the outdoor couch that was in the corner with Lara on my Lap. It was really quiet without Jaden and I just wanted someone to talk to. The rest of the  Day was really boring and all we did was sit around. I finally put Lara down for the night and sat in Mine and Jaden's room on the bed. I sighed and laid back, thinking about Jaden. Today was already so hard without him and these next couple of months are going to suck. I didn't really get sleep that night. I stayed up until like 2:30 but then Lara woke up at five. I decided to actually get out of the house today, Lara needed more diapers and I needed a couple things. I packed a diaper bag and ordered an Uber. I put Lara in a baby carrier and we were all sat to go. I stopped at a Starbucks and while I was there this guy came up to me. He was kinda cute and his smile kinda lit up the room.

"Hi," He said with a smile.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"This seems weird I know but we've never met, I'm Tayler," He said and They called my order. I got my drink and Tayler stopped me at the door. I looked at him for a second and he smiled again.

"You're Tayler Holder right?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Yeah I'm a friend of Jaden's and we talked in a while," He said and opened the door to let me out. He followed me out and pulled me over to the side of the building.

"Tayler I'm really busy maybe you can dm me or something," I said and trued stepping around him.

"Y/N hold on," He said and I sighed.

"Ok," I said with a sigh.

"Let me drive you around and we can keep talking," Tayler said and I smiled.

"Sure," I said and followed Tayler to his Car. He opened the passenger door and I got in. I looked down at Lara and she was looking up at me with a smile. Tayler closed the door and got in on the other side.

"So this is Lara," He said in aw, looking at Lara.

"Yep," I said and he smiled.

"I bet you're amazing with her," Tayler said and I shrugged.

"I wouldn't know, she's my first," I said and he chuckled.

"You seem like an amazing mother," Tayler said and I smiled. Tayler Drove me around to everywhere I needed to go then I put my address in his gps. Lara was really fussy since we've been out all day. Once we got home Tayler agreed to bring everything in while I fed Lara upstairs in the nursery. She fell asleep after I burped her, I set up a baby monitor and headed downstairs. Tayler just closed the front door and he looked at me.

"Want some help?" He asked and I nodded. Tayler helped me for a bit then we took a break and sat in the Living room after I had cooked some food.

"Tayler you helping me today was very sweet but it's getting late," I said and he smiled.

"You said your relationship was complicated right?" He questioned.

"Yeah, why?" I said.

"Do you think Jaden would mind if a friend hung around?" Tayler questioned.

"Tayler you're gonna get me in trouble," I said and he chuckled.

"With Jaden?" He questioned.

"Maybe," I said and he chuckled, biting his lip.

"I'll come by tomorrow," Tayler said, getting up from the couch. I followed him to the door. He gave another cute smile before leaving. I locked the door and put my head on the door. I sighed and heard Lara crying over the baby monitor. I quickly ran upstairs and calmed her down and took her into My room for the night.

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now