Part 28

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Once we got back home from dinner I put Lara down and left a baby monitor, before going downstairs with Blake. We sat by the pool and let our feet sit in the water.

"So what's the plan with the baby?" Blake asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Are you gonna let Jaden in its life?" He asked.

"If I go back to LA," I said.

"Y/N you can't stay in Texas, your life is back in LA," he said and I nodded.

"I know but I need a break from that life, so can we have a good summer?" I said and Blake nodded.

"Yep," he said and my phone started ringing. I got up and picked my phone up, off the pool side chair and pick it up.

"Yes Bryce?" I answered.

"Where's Jaden? He's not answering his phone," Bryce asked

"I don't know, I'm not there," I said.

"Why, what happened?" Bryce asked.

"He cheated on me with Mads," I said, lowly. Blake looked at me questionably.

"Damn- he just got here, I'll call you later if anything," Bryce said

"Ok," I sighed and hung up.

"Bryce Hall?" Blake questioned.

"Some how I'm friends with Bryce and they were looking for Jaden," I said and went back over to the pool.

"Did you love him?" Blake asked.

"Yes I did, Jaden was everything to me even if I was with someone else I only thought about him," I said and Blake nodded.

"That's understandable let's just hope he can get his shit together before I have to deal with him," Blake said and I giggled. We stayed out there talking and messing around for a couple of hours, not even realizing how late it was getting. By the time I looked at my phone again it was almost 4 AM.

"Damn it 3:57," I said and he chuckled.

"I guess it's about time to head to bed then," He said and I nodded. We got up from where we were sitting and went back in side. My mom was standing in the kitchen eating some cookies we brought home from the restaurant.

"Hey Mom," I said and she looked at us.

"Have y'all been out there all night?" My mom asked.

"Yeah," Blake said and she waved us over. We ate some cookies before heading upstairs. When I got into my room Lara was still asleep on the bed, thank God because I'm exhausted. I laid down and put Lara on my chest, without waking her up and fell asleep myself. It's really weird being here but any place is better then being near Jaden right now. I have to admit that I do miss him being by my side tho.

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