Part 35

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(A couple months later)

"Jaden?!" I shouted from downstairs after struggling to get some of the decorations up for Lara's birthday.

"I don't understand why we have to have a birthday party for a one year old," Jaden complained coming downstairs with Lara right behind him. She slowly came downstairs the stairs as Jaden walked over to me and grabbed the decorations off the shelf.

"Because it's a mile stone and This is the first time in a few months that I have seen your mother and it's also the first time our parents are meeting," I said and Lara ran over to us. She learned to walk in the past couple of months and it's the cutest thing.

"Lara Baby come here," I said and she waddled over to me with a smile. Jaden picked her up and leaned her to me. I kissed her forehead before kissing Jaden's cheek. He smiled and Put Lara down. She ran off into the living room as I went through the box.

"I can't believe she's going to be one tomorrow," Jaden said and I nodded.

"Same, it seems just like yesterday you were holding her in the hospital," I said and Jaden smiled.

"So who's coming tomorrow?" Jaden asked.

"Your mom, my parents, Blake and Alexis and Ryan might come by," I said and took more stuff out the box. Lara came running into the kitchen and babbled while pointing to the door.

"What is it baby," I said in a babyish voice and the doorbell rang. I picked up Lara and went over to the door. I opened the door, to see Blake standing there with a suitcase.

"Blake?" I questioned and he smiled.

"I wanted to surprise the birthday girl," Blake said and tickled Lara, making her giggle on my shoulder. I put Lara down and she walked two steps over to Blake and hugged his leg. Blake chuckled and picked Lara up. She smiled and put her Head on his shoulder. I smiled and Jaden came over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're here early, the party's not till tomorrow," Jaden said and Blake nodded.

"I know, I just wanted to surprise the birthday girl and I have a present," Blake said and Lara quickly took her head off his shoulder and looked at him. I giggled and Blake looked at Lara.

"Yes I have a present for you," Blake said with a chuckle and Lara put her hands out. He chuckled again and we went over to the living room. Blake sat Lara on the couch to grab the bags out of his suitcase but Lara got off the couch to follow him. He chuckled and picked her up and came back over to Jaden and Me.

"You sure you're ok?" Jaden questioned as a pain went through my stomach.

"What's up?" Blake asked.

"She just felt something and I thought it was a contraction," Jaden said and I nodded.

"I thought you weren't due till next month?" Blake questioned.

"I am that was just weird," I said and Lara tried grabbing the bag out of Blake's hand while he put her down next to me.

"Someone's excited," Blake said and the baby kicked.

"She's not the only one, be right back," I said, getting up and went to the bathroom. When I came back Lara was hugging a teddy bear. I smiled and sat next to her.

"Did uncle Blake get you a new teddy bear," I said in a babyish voice and she held the bear out to me. I looked at the name tag and smiled.

"Pete, Very cute," I said, looking at Blake.

"What? Every Lara needs her Peter," Blake said and I giggled.

"You are so cheesey," Jaden said and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I intertwined my hand with his that was hanging over my shoulder and he looked at me with a smile.

"Your son keeps using my blatter as a punching bag," I said and he chuckled.

"Sorry, not sorry," Jaden said and I shook my head. Lara held Pete in front of Jaden after she climbed over me.

"Go show Pete around the house," Jaden said and Lara climbed off the couch before running off. Blake chuckled and leaned back against the coffee table.

"Has she started talking yet?" Blake asked and I shook my head.

"Not yet but the doctor said possibly soon since it took her a while to figure out how to walk, but she does have conversations with Jaden," I said and Jaden chuckled.

"She's smart tho, we had to baby lock the entire kitchen," Jaden said and I nodded as something fell from the office. Lara started crying and Jaden got up as fast the could and ran to the office. Blake and I followed and saw Jaden pick up Lara, next to the broken pen holder.

"Is she ok?" I asked, going up to him and he nodded, looking at her fingers to check for cuts. Lara pouted and Blake picked up the teddy bear that was laying in the doorway.

"How'd she even get in here?" Jaden questioned and checked the lock on the door with Lara on his hip.

"The door was unlocked," He said and Blake took Lara from him.

"Blake it's about her nap time, could you go out her down?" I asked and he nodded. Blake walked off as Jaden cleaned up the glass on the floor.

"I'll buy a new one-" I said as another pain hit my stomach. I held on to where it hurt and hissed. Jaden looked at me concerned and came over to me after throwing away the glass.

"Babe that the second time today, maybe we should go to the hospital," Jaden said and I shook my head.

"It's fine, I'm fine," I said and he sighed.

"Please?" He said and I shook my head.

"The baby probably kicked a nerve," I said and Jaden nodded.

"Ok, but if you feel another pain, I'm taking you to the hospital," Jaden said and I nodded. We left the office and went into the living room where Blake had fallen asleep with Lara on his chest. I smiled and Jaden kissed my head.

"He's a great uncle," Jaden said and I nodded.

"I wonder how JJ is going to be with him," I said Jaden shushed me.

"Not so loud we said this was going to be a surprise this time," Jaden said and I smiled.

"Right," I said and we went into the kitchen to start dinner.

Soooooo I have decided on a name. All of the suggestions were really good but I really want to go with JJ or Jaden Jr because why not. But the full name I chose was Jaden John Hossler, so either way the nickname is still JJ.

 But the full name I chose was Jaden John Hossler, so either way the nickname is still JJ

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Thanks for the Ideas 💜

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Thanks for the Ideas 💜

I was also going to go with Lucas John Hossler but I thought JJ was cuter so idk tell me what y'all think did I make the right choice???

Once A Party Boy, Always A Party Boy? Jaden Hossler × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now