
Start from the beginning

Natasha stood beside her friends with Nathan close by shuffling through papers, as they watched along with the CIA as the interrogation unfolded. Steve and Sam watched from within the glass room, along with Agent 13.

"Tell me, Bucky. You've seen a great deal, haven't you?" the voice of the psychiatrist sent shivers down Audelia spine as she watched the screens intently.

"I don't want to talk about it,"

"You fear that... if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don't worry. We only have to talk about one..."

"Wait," Nathan's voice pulled the attention of Deli, Tony and Natasha. His eyebrow was raised in confusion as he pointed to the psychiatrist. "Who is that interrogating Barnes?"

"That Broussard?" Tony added on with a slight laugh. "He came highly recommended from you and you don't even know his face Nater Tot?"

The lights in the building suddenly cut out, the room going dark as the screens went back. They could hear the sound of Everett Ross frantically trying to get the screens back up as Nathan paled, turning to Audelia.

"Because that man isn't Broussard,"

Audelia frantically grabbed hold of Natasha and Tony, dragging them off behind her as they moved through the crowd of frantic agents, seeing that Steve and Sam were already gone.

"Please tell me you two brought suits," Natasha mumbled under her breath as they rushed down the stairs.

"Sure did. It's a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button- I'm an active-duty non-combatant!"

"We've both got our wrist-lets, like I used during the bombing," Audelia informed Natasha. "That's going to have to do for now, let's go!"

"Follow me!" Sharon Carter called out as she raced past them, the three wasting no time in following after her.

Bucky Barnes, now fully encased by the Winter Soldier persona, took out guards left and right in the main lobby of the building. Tony peaked around the corner from his position, allowing the hand of his suit to form as he fires a stun shot, the energy protruding knocking Bucky off balance as Tony raced forward.

Bucky drew his gun on Tony as he blocked it with the armor, just as the bullet hit and his eyes went wide. He tore the clip out of the gun, hitting Bucky across the face as the soldier retaliated, throwing Tony across the room.

Sharon Carter dove in, throwing as many punches and kicks as she could before ducking, Natasha throwing herself overtop of the woman as she landed a kick, spinning the soldier around and right into Audelia as she waited. She fired a stun blast as well, throwing her back to the floor as Bucky came at her with a knife before bringing herself back to her feet and firing another shot.

Simultaneously, Sharon wrapped her legs around the soldier's neck but was easily tossed to the side, followed by the same ending for Natasha before he turned to face Audelia.

She raised her glove to fire again before she was frozen. Bucky pulled another gun from his pocket, raising it toward her as the sunlight pouring into the room glinted off his silver arm, and all she could see was the red star on his shoulder. It was little Audelia, all over again, back in the bedroom.

The gun never fired as Audelia gripped the gun in her armored glove, crushing it in her hand as she looked into Bucky's eyes, pleading with him.

"This isn't you," she pleaded, eyes beginning to water from the weight of the moment. "Please, Bucky. For Elizabeth, wake up."

There was a moment of recognition, Elizabeth Motter's name striking something in him, before it was gone. His metal arm collided with her, sending her flying back into the wall behind her. She hit it with a groan falling to the floor just as T'Challa swooped in for a fight.

Audelia wasn't sure how long she laid there, trying to get a sense of where she was. She hit her head hard, and she was sure her had a concussion, but that was all she knew.

"Just look at me honey, look at me," when her eyes focused again, she was looking up into the eyes of Tony. He let out a relieved laugh, stroking her cheek as Natasha and Nathan stood behind them. "You're okay, oh thank god, you're okay."

"Bucky..." Deli trailed off as she was brought to her feet, leaning heavily against Tony. "Where is Bucky?"

"Gone," Natasha filled her friend in. "Steve and Sam, too."

I'm sorry this update took forever, I got sucked into Avatar and I went back to work and yeah shit has been busy

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I'm sorry this update took forever, I got sucked into Avatar and I went back to work and yeah shit has been busy. But the Bridge to the Multiverse Trailer is completed, but you can't all see it until I finish Recluse and some of Nova (I'm sorry don't kill me lol)

Also, Recluse question. Since it is a Sam Wilsons story, would you rather it begin in the first Avengers movie with some backstory and character set up, or in Winter Soldier? It also won't include the Black Widow storyline since no one knows what happens.

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