Wasted Breath

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God said, "All men are created equal."

However, due to my skin, some may see me as lethal.

Diseases and death roam over the year

COVID or racism, the true virus is unclear

One wears a mask to protect our face

others wear their mask as a badge to disgrace

the law of justice they try to divide

under uniform evil has no reason hide

not all cops are bad, but some of them are thrillers

hunting us for sport, but calling us the killers

anger leaves us blind, but morality isn't black and white

Some bring change through peace, others through fights

When will we stop letting evil terrorize our home?

Why can a man be watched by several people but still die alone?

All the good in our hearts yet we're perceived as thieves in the night

don't marginalize people together we have no right

not one color is evil, not every color is good

why can't people separate evil from another and that be understood?

I don't advocate the violence and the riots

but if your son was murdered could you stay quite?

All we want is peace, but all we experience is war

We peacefully protest and scream till our throats are sore

but in the end, we get tired of words falling upon deaf ears

We know you care and we love our peers

we know you care but you'll truly never understand our fears

Every second we breathe could be our last

We still fight the battles our kin died for in the past

We worry about our brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers

Those with power are against us, so we have to stand by each other.

It's time for a change, and not just the new's header

We can't let time make us complacent. not now or ever

It's time to stop the violence and all the killings

We tried for peace but most people were willing

to call Kaepernick out as evil for his kneeling

Now they used their knees to silence another man, isn't that stealing?

No more ignoring our pain, no more stifling our cries

Time for action is now, no more pushing around the lies

It's sad to hear a man cry for his mom until taken by death

To realize we the people can no longer waste our breath.

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