Remember When

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Remember when you use to wake up and your biggest worry was what are you going to eat for lunch
Remember when that change to if you could even make it past brunch

Remember when your wounds healed over night
Remember when you wake up to see your scars from your last fight

Remember when your head was only your voice
Remember when that demon moved into your head without your choice

Remember when you use to be strong enough to survive any battle alone
Remember when that changed where you want to avoid the world and stay at home

Remember when you gazed into a mirror and saw a smile
Remember when you're amazed you  haven't seen your own smile in a while

Remember when love was just a bonus mystery
Remember when your heart cried out for it as a necessity

Remember when the dark was for sleeping
Remember when the dark wasn't for weeping

Everything has a cycle from old to new
And the cycle goes on forever it is true

I hope some time in my life I can look back
And remember how my heart was always on the attack

To me in the future and to those who can comprehend
Lend me more then your ears give me your hand

Together we will make it past the hard times
We will get through our past crimes

And when we can laugh and smile and talk about what we remembered
Remember that we never surrounded

PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang