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Kenzie's POV;

They started to approach me. I haven't watched zach on younow for a couple weeks, but I was still nervous as fuck! I fell in love with him when I first saw him on younow.

"Hi, my mom made me introduce myself.. I'm zach." Zach said not even looking at me.

"Well I'm Mackenzie. But you can call me kenZie. Nice to meet you." I said not making contact. I felt his eyes burning into mine.

Just then his mom started walking over and I felt like slapping myself across the face. I was just standing there like a loaf, with the hottest 14 year old I know. This sucks.

"Hi, I'm Apryll, and I'm so sorry about my son. He's really stubborn sometimes. But this is his friend Ty, and he's over almost everyday so you'll probably be seeing him a lot." She said to me.

"Oh okay thanks for telling me. I'm Mackenzie by the way, but everyone calls me Kenzie or Kenz, but I'm gonna go unpack. Maybe I'll catch you around sometime?" I said to Apryll.

She nodded her head and went back into her house. Ty and zach stayed outside broadcasting while I went and unpacked.

4 hours later

I woke up on my floor. Surrounded my boxes, that haven't been unpacked. Oops looks like I fell asleep. I went downstairs to see if my dad cooked dinner yet and he was dressed very nice.

"Kenzie get ready we are going to eat at the neighbors house tonight. They are really nice so be on your best behavior." He said.

I ran upstairs and started straightening my light brown hair. Then I put some mascara on my very light blue eyes. For my outfit, I wore white high waisted shorts, and a black crop too that had a white heart on it.

When I got downstairs we walked outside. I noticed we were walking towards zachs house.

"Uh dad why are we going this way?" I asked, almost confused.

"Because we are eating over Aprylls. Kenz don't be mean to her son, he's your age. Best behavior remember." He said.

"Believe me I won't be mean to him." I mumbled under my breath.



I rung the doorbell and zach answered. He literally checked me out right in front of my dAd.

Well,this night should be uh, interesting.

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