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I woke up in zachs arms. I guess I slept in here again.

I turned on my iPhone and the date said February 14th. Shit. It was 7:30.

I put shoes on and threw my hair up. I raced down the steps and quickly glanced at my outfit and shrugged. I was in zachs sweatpants and an old long sleeve shirt of mine.

I grabbed my keys and ran to my car. I texted Zach and told him I was out.

I went to Walmart and picked out things for Zach, Ariana and his mom since MATT is still away.

For zachs mom, I picked out a large assortment of chocolates, her favorite movies, the heat, bridesmaids, and identity thief, and a bouquet of flowers.

For Zach, I got him the same chocolate, 7 bags of tropical starburst, a cute little teddy bear, and got him a couple bucket hats from the mall.

For Ariana I got her a stuffed animal with hearts all over it, chocolate, crayons and markers, a couple Barbie dolls for her, and a bucket hat to match zachs.

I also got myself that same bucket hat. I think it would be cute if we all had it, even if we're not a family.

When I got home I went to my room and put the gifts in bags.

When k came out, Zach was at the door.

"Last minute shopping eh?" He said.

"Maybeeeeeee" I said dragging out the 'e'

We all went downstairs and sat in a circle. We exchanged the valentine gifts. I had a bag from Zach, one from his mom, and a drawing from Ariana.

I opened up the bag from zachs mom and there was candy all around the bag at the bottom. Then there was a $25 iTunes gift card, a bear, and some nike socks.

I opened up zachs and there was chocolate in there. He ran upstairs and I was confused. He came back down with a huge bear that was the size of me, and it had a whole bunch of roses.

I smiled ear to ear. I hugged him and pecked him on the lips. Although we aren't officially a couple, it feels right.

We spent the rest of the day being together and having fun. Zach took us out to dinner. It was an amazing night overall.

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