Blood, Cuts and Scars

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Joshua's POV:

I walked into the room and the first thing that I was faced with was Olivia on the floor, with her head cracked open! How did this happen?!

"Omg, what happened!" Sofia asked following behind me.

"I think she passed out but I'm really not sure!" I say before Sofia walked out of the room.

Great, she has to leave at a time like this!

I'm just there, next to a broken Liv, all alone, I really need Sofia!

"I'm back!" She says coming back with a first aid box.

"How did you?!" I asked before she cuts me off.

"Please, I got my first aid training, we need to wrap Liv's head up, she can't lose anymore blood!" Sofia says before I nod nervously.

Seriously, is Sofia literally good at everything!

"Ok, how are we going to do this!" I asked before Sofia tells me to check her pulse.

Phew, at least she still has one!

"We need to move Liv, it isn't exactly ideal to do first aid on a tiled floor!" Sofia suggests.

We both take Liv into the guest bedroom. She's still out cold so this is going to make things that much harder!

"I'll let the others know what we are up too, you look after Liv, ok?!" I said to Sofia before she nods nervously.

I really hope that Olivia will wake up. She means the world to me and I don't know what I would do without her!


Another cliffhanger, I keep doing this, what do you think about this, will Liv wake up or not?! Find out soon xox

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