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Meg's POV:

I am so happy that I can finally see Josh again. I am so proud of him for finally getting the recognition he deserves by playing Ricky on HSMTMTS. Not to brag or anything, but I was with him when he got the news!

I like Josh more than friends, I mean, have you met the guy, but a lot of people tell me that you and Milo, my castmate in Zombies, are sooo cute together. Milo and me are just friends so get over it!

Authors Note: If you haven't watched Zombies, I 100% reccomend it. It's on Disney Plus so why not try it!

I am currently in Salt Lake airport and I was told that some guy called Ethan would meet me there. I thought that he was dating his costar Olivia Rodrigo, but I guess his relationship didn't work out.

"Hey Meg, over here!" I see the young boy say.

"Oh hey, so um, where am I staying?!" I asked nervously.

"I'll take you there now!" He says before walking up to his car.

I think I like this Ethan kid. I have a feeling that we are going to be good friends!

Or not! Ethan seems really sneaky and he doesn't seem like the one to trust. Where do you think they are going and what will happen next?! This is all going to change now!

Just for A Moment-A Joliva StoryWhere stories live. Discover now