The Call

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Olivia's POV:

A few weeks had passed since I had done my audition and I still hadn't heard from anyone. The suspense was killing me!

That was until today!

I decided to go to Madison's house, mainly because I was bored but also to take my mind off things!

"Hey Liv, how are you?!" Madison says whilst opening the door with a face full  of cookies.

"Hey Mads, been better!" I reply coming  in slightly.

"I know, why don't we do a Dance Moms marathon and we can bake cookies and do our hair and put some face masks on?!" Madison suggests but I guess it won't be so bad.

"Yeah sure, and um thanks for letting me come over!" I say whilst getting into my PJ's.

I brought them. Don't worry!

Madison eventually came back with some face masks that we put on whilst watching Dance Moms. Personally, I think that it should just be called the screaming and dancing show because well, that's all they do!

We were currently watching the episode where Maddie does her iconic 'Cry' solo when I heard a phone buzz.

"Liv, I think it's your phone!" Madison says whilst passing it to me.

I swear, this girl knows my own ringtone more than I do!

I eventually picked it up and put it on speaker because the caller was unknown.

"Hello?!" I said speaking directly into the phone.

"Hi, is this Olivia Rodrigo?!" I heard a male voice say down the line.

"Hi, uh yeah, this is Olivia!" I say nervously.

"Well I'm sorry but someone else got the role of Nini!" The male says and my heart sinks to my stomach.

"Oh well, tell the person who got it that I said congratulations!" I say down the line.

"Congratulations!" The man said confusing me.

"I'm sorry, what?!" I said trying to work out why he just said congratulations to me.

"Liv, you told me to say congratulations to the person who got the role!" The man says.

"Ok, so what does that mean?!" I ask.

"Olivia, you got the role as Nini Salazar Roberts in HSMTMTS!" The man yelled down the line excitedly.

"Omg, thank you!" I say whilst Madison is hugging me like crazy.

"We'll see you in a month and congrats!" The man says.

"Thank you!" I say before hanging up.

I am so excited for this show and I'm ready to show the world what I can do!


Hi, so the next chapter will include Josh, I just thought that it was important to include when Olivia finds out that she got the role of Nini, I honestly don't know how she found out so I just made it up, so sorry if I got it wrong. Also, Ethan will be in the next chapter so stay tuned!

Just for A Moment-A Joliva StoryWhere stories live. Discover now