Me, myself and I

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Olivia's POV:

I woke up after a super long flight, realising that I had fallen asleep on Josh's shoulder and I was holding his hand. In my world, that's technically cheating on your boyfriend!

"Oh, you're finally awake!" I hear Josh say as I get off his shoulder.

"Umm, yeah, sorry I didn't realise that I was on your shoulder!" I say anxiously.

"Hey, it's ok, at least you slept ok!" Josh says before looking out the window.

This boy confuses me for reasons that I don't understand!

"So uh do you have any siblings?!" I ask trying to change the subject slightly.

"Far too many, I have 5 sisters!" Josh says whilst I just sit there with my mouth in the shape of an O.

"Really?!!" I ask surprised.

"Yep!" Josh says before I blurt something out.

"What are their names?!" I ask excitedly.

"Ashley, Hannah, Winter, Alison and Claire but we call her Clairie in the family!" Josh says.

"Aww so that's where you get your kindness from!" I say.

"Huh!" Josh asks.

"Well, even though I haven't known you for less than a few minutes and even though we meet at the auditions, you haven't stopped being nice to me!" I say nervously but I'm not going to show it.

"Hey, you're super kind too!" Josh says before I give him a hug.

Maybe that was too soon!


Josh's POV:

She's hugging me, she's hugging me, ok Josh don't freak out. Oh blow it, the Olivia Rodrigo is hugging me! As soon as she pulls away, I start feeling a weird sensation, I can't really describe it but I don't like it.

Before I knew it, Olivia started crying. I had no idea what was wrong but I decided to pull her close and hug her. She was obviously hurting and I wanted to make it right but how can I when I don't know what is wrong?!

"Olivia, what's wrong?!" I ask whilst she just cries into my arms.

"Ethan just broke up with me and he didn't even explain why until I saw this Instagram post!" Olivia says passing me the phone.

It was a girl, a girl at a party. She at least looked like she was 17 but this post was taken two weeks ago. What I saw shocked me. They were making out. And he was dating Olivia. How could he do this to her, the sweetest girl you could ever meet.

"I..I'm so stupid!" Olivia says still hugging me.

"Hey, look at me, you are not stupid, it's his loss ok, you're perfect for this world and if he can't see that, then he doesn't deserve you!" I say whilst Olivia looks at me with puffy eyes.

"I was going to invite him to my 16th birthday which is in a couple of days but right now, I don't even feel like going anywhere!" Olivia says.

"Hey it's your sweet 16th and me and the rest of the cast are going to make it the best birthday ever, you can count on it!" I say whilst she looks my in the eyes and says.

"Thank you Josh, you deserve everything that the world is going to give!".

What does that mean?! Oh well, at least I made Olivia better!


Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading and sticking with me. I'm back to doing online school which sucks but still. I am going to try and update as much as possible and make this story a lot more interesting. Do you want me to write about them meeting the cast or do you just want me to carry on with the whole breakup situation. Comment down below and stay safe. Love ya!

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