I Think I Kinda You Know

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Olivia's POV:

I'm so excited but so nervous. Why?! Because I am filming Nini's first song in the series. It's called I Think I Kinda You Know and it's about Nini confessing her love for Ricky for the first time. I want to do a good job but I can't help but panic as I am in the trailer getting my hair and makeup done.

I sat down in the chair on my phone when I see Sofia walk in with Dara and Julia. Because of filming for this show, me and Sofia have developed a really good friendship. Sure, we were friends way before this, when she was on Andi Mack and I was on Bizardvark, but we rarely saw each other. Now, we see each other pratically everyday and I never get bored of seeing her face.

Let me just say it. None of us deserve Sofia Wylie!

"Hey Liv!" Sofia says taking a seat next to me.

"Uh hey!"

"So you excited, I believe that you're singing for the show today?"

"Sorta but I am also a mess!" I replied before she gives my shoulder a little squeeze.

"Don't worry about it, you have the voice of an angel and that's why you're one of the leads in the show!" Sofia says before I give her a hug.

"Aww you are the sweetest person ever!"

"I know but so are you!"

I am finally ready, I have my hair down with a blue dress and a tiny bit of makeup. My character doesn't really wear makeup but I honestly don't mind. Makeup can be good for you but also bad!

I start to walk onto set when I see Tim smiling at me. I give him a small smile before I pick up the ukulele and walk towards the bed. Tim starts to record me before I see the curly haired boy by the wings.

I know that I'll be ok. Especially because he's there!


Joshua's POV:

I heard from Matt that Olivia was nervous about performing I Think I Kinda You Know. I get it, I can relate especially because I wrote a song for a girl I liked who then broke my heart. I believe that my character, Ricky, sings it later on in the series and I am honestly so glad because it is such an amazing, heartfelt song and I hope the fans relate to it on a personal level because I know that it hurts to have your heart broken and so does Liv.

I wanted to surprise her because she doesn't think that the fans will like her because of Bizardvark. She thinks that people know her real singing voice from Bizardvark but she told me that they used autotune to make it funnier. Personally, Olivia has the voice of an angel but she feels as though she isn't good enough. I believe that she is amazing and that's why she was cast in this show in the first place.

I start to walk behind Tim before he gives me a smile. Olivia starts singing as soon as Tim gives her a thumbs up. She sounds amazing and I clap as soon as she's finished. Who would've known if she had doubts because she absolutely nailed that!

I walk up to her and immediately give her a hug. She is perfect and I need to let her know how amazing she is!

"Guys, just letting you know that you need to get ready and then you have an interview after that!" Tim yells at us before we both nod and walk away.

I hope the fans like the show!


Hey everyone, omg I feel so bad because I haven't hardly been updating and I promised that I would but I'm back and I will be updating a lot more. I had writers block but I decided that I will start writing more on this book and then move onto my others, that way I can update on this a bit more. I hope you understand and thank you for reading xox

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