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"What are you doing here?" Ronke asked just as Ella was about to search the wastebasket.

Ella and her crew froze on seeing Ronke enter the room, they didn't expect to see her there because just few minutes ago, she was eating in the cafeteria and they didn't think that she would leave for anything.

"I said what are you doing here?" She asked again, increasing her voice.

"I was just looking for something..." Ella trailed off when her eyes met Ronke's glare.

"You have never been to this room before so how come you are looking for something of yours here?" Ronke folded her arms.

"I must have mistaken this room for Somto's room, no wonder I couldn't find my pen."

Ronke raised her brow. "You were seriously looking for a pen during lunchtime? You could've just asked her for it."

"She told me to go to her room and get it and I really wanted to copy the notes I missed during the first and second periods so—"

"I don't need your flimsy explanations, just get out." Ronke stepped aside from the door, gesturing for them to leave.

Titi and Grace slowly walked out but Ella purposely toppled the wastebasket on her way out, littering the floor with its contents. She gasped and used her leg to search the trash while pretending to use the leg to push it towards the wastebasket. She narrowed her eyes when she realized that there was no single bottle of beer in the trash. Looking up, she was met with a deadpan stare from Ronke and irritated looks from her friends.

She chuckled. "Hehe, I didn't mean to, it was an accident. I mean, I almost fell—"

"Just. Get. Out," Ronke spat and Ella left with her friends.

"I can't believe there were no bottles in the wastebasket. Where could they have hidden them?" Ella asked her confused friends when they had gone to their room.

"I don't know but I still don't understand why you had to play with their trash," Titi said, her face scrunched.

"I was trying to find the evidence. The two of you were supposed to distract her while I was doing that and not let her stare at me like I'm deranged! And you, Gracey, you were supposed to be on the lookout. How could you let her come into the room and catch us redhanded? What if she decides to report us to matron," Ella complained and her friends frowned at her.

"Hold on Ells, the door was closed so how on earth did you expect me to know when someone was coming?"

"You have ears, don't you?"

"I am not a dog, please."

"Whatever. The mission was thwarted and we came back empty handed. But that doesn't mean I'll give up so easily. I still have to get back at Jazz for being all lovey dovey with Mitchel on Saturday."

"Why don't you just forget about Mitchel and find some other guy that will actually like you back. That boy clearly doesn't seem interested at all," Titi said and Ella shot her a hard glare.

"Don't ever say that again. How can you ask me to forget about someone I've been in love with for three years!"

"Fine, keep on loving him but don't say I didn't tell you when he falls in love with Jazz or someone else other than you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"No offence, but, Mitchel doesn't like you at all. He even seems more interested in Jazz by the looks of it so please do yourself a favour and stop wasting your precious time on him."

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