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Mr Nwosu's office was a bit smaller than Mrs Williams' office but unlike Mrs Williams' simple decor, the office was decorated more sophisticatedly with more books on the desk and in the shelves. Mr Nwosu was in his late thirties but didn't look it because he was always frowning and his bald head and bushy brows did nothing to help. It made him look like a shaven angry bird. The only attractive thing about him was his trim physique, clean-cut beard and dry cleaned suit whose jacket was on his chair. His shirt was folded up to his elbows revealing his hairy arm and a scar on the back of his right hand. He was indeed a very strict man and didn't give as much chances as Mrs Williams' did because he gave punishments without thinking twice. This was probably why students feared him, assuming they were not scared of his looks which was quite intimidating considering his 6'2 height.

Jazz and Ella sat across his desk with Ella wearing the innocent look better than Jazz who didn't even bother to wear one as she kept her face straighter than a ruler.

"Why are you so quiet? I asked you a question, didn't I?" Mr Nwosu asked calmly.

"Yes sir..." Ella started but he interrupted her. "Save it. I need answers not sentiments," He said.

"She started it," Jazz said casually and folded her arms.

"What did she do?" Mr Nwosu asked.

"She emptied a whole bottle of chilled water in my food and on my skirt, look!" Jazz stood up to show him her wet skirt.

"It was an accident and I already apologized to her but she just wanted to fight me," Ella said innocently and stood up.

"Oh please, drop the act. You did it on purpose and still haven't apologized. You're just lucky I didn't get the chance to get my hands on you," Jazz said and blew her hair out of her face.

"Sir, she's lying," Ella defended.

"No she's not," Mr Nwosu boomed.

"What? Are you going to believe what she just said?"

"I had a few eye witnesses tell me what really happened before I called you here so I could know who was lying and every one of them said the same thing. You were the one who came bothering Armstrong who is still new to our school and poured cold water on her. Are you trying to give us a bad reputation?"

"Sir, but sir, they're lying sir."

"And since you are the goddess of truth we should all believe whatever you say right?"

"No sir, I mean- I'm sorry sir, truly sorry. I won't do it again please,"

"And I will make very good sure of that," Mr Nwosu said. "Starting tomorrow, you will sweep the school premises, your classroom and your dormitory in the morning and evening, help the kitchen staff serve the food and tidy up the cafeteria after every meal. You will do this for a week. And know that I will monitor you to make sure you're carrying out this punishment so don't try to act smart, you know the repercussions. This will teach you not to bother our new students," He added and leaned back on his chair, satisfied with the punishment he gave.

"Sir please I can't-"

"I suppose you would rather be given a two weeks suspension?" Mr Nwosu raised a brow.

"No sir, not at all."

"I didn't think so. And if this shenanigans repeats itself, you will definitely get suspended and I will be glad to call your parents again."

"No there's no need for that sir, please."

"Good, now apologize to her."


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