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Jazz blinked surprisedly at Mitchel who just stared blankly at her in return. She wasn't expecting what she just heard. Who could have told him though, she wondered. Only Kelechi and Ronke knew of it and Kelechi was always against the idea so she wouldn't be surprised if she was the one that told him, though she highly doubted it.

"How did you know?" Jazz managed to ask.

"When we first met, you never wanted anything to do with me, never wanted me around you, always told me how annoying I was and then, all of a sudden you started liking me and treating me lovingly. Not to mention your exaggerated show of affection towards me whenever Ella was around. It was pretty obvious to me though," Mitchel answered with a shrug.

"So you knew all this while that my feelings for you weren't genuine. Then why didn't you say anything or get mad or something?"

"I don't know. I really liked you and I guess I was okay with the fact that you were pretending to like me, as long as you liked me? If that makes any sense." Mitchel chuckled.

"It makes zero sense," Jazz offered playfully. "But I guess this is the right time to tell you that I like you, for real this time."

"I know," Mitchel said with a smirk.

"How did you—"

"Another reason why I chose to play along with your pretence game was because I thought that if we were close, I could charm my way into your heart, which I did."

"I see. You had it all figured out."

"It's difficult to resist my charm, you know."

Jazz smiled knowingly. "Indeed."

"Is that all you called me out here to tell me?" Mitchel asked.

"Uh no, I actually wanted to apologize for deceiving you the way I did. It was selfish and thoughtless of me, and I'm sorry."

"I never thought the day would come when I would get an apology from you, but like I mentioned earlier, I was never angry at you. Sure, I was upset, but I was determined to win your heart so I also pretended to not be aware of your pretence." Mitchel winked and Jazz rolled her eyes.

"So, are we cool?" Jazz asked.

"We've always been. I'm just glad you came to me to talk about it," Mitchel replied and slowly wrapped his arms around Jazz for a warm hug.

"Aren't you worried that someone may see us?" Jazz asked.

"Mmm, whatever," Mitchel mumbled.

Jazz smiled to herself as she listened to his not so steady heartbeat. They stood there in each other's embrace, not uttering a word, until the bell rang signalling that lunch break was over. Jazz and Mitchel finally broke away from the hug, grinning sheepishly at each other.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean for the hug to last that long, I guess I got carried away and—" Mitchel started to ramble and Jazz put her index finger on his lips to stop him from speaking.

"We both got carried away," she said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Uh..." was all Mitchel managed to utter.

"See you later." Jazz waved him goodbye as she went back into the cafeteria. A good number of the students had already left and the place was scanty.

When Jazz took her seat, she was welcomed with wide eyes and mischievous grins from her friends. She groaned and took a sip of water. "What is it, you guys?"

"You were smiling to yourself when you walked in. What transpired between you two?" Ronke asked curiously.

"We talked."

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