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Knock knock knock.

"Come in," Mrs Kayode called and Jazz came into the office. She requested to call her parents and Mrs Kayode nodded, dialing her father's number and giving the phone to her.



"Jazz!" Michael let out a sigh. "How are you honey?"

"I'm okay."

"Is everything alright? Your mother and I have been calling you but-"

"I know, I was mad at you guys."

"Don't worry hun, you will come to know the reason for our sending you there. Just let us know if you need anything or if you need more money and we'll send it to you right away."

"The only thing I need is to leave this school."

"You're not leaving anytime soon because you have to complete the session so be patient. And one more thing, stay out of trouble Jazz. Your principal told me about your suspension and frankly, I'm not surprised but I need you to not associate with people who could put you in trouble and be a good girl for daddy okay."

"Okay," Jazz replied dryly.

"Now speak to your mother, she's been dying to hear your voice."

"Jazz my baby," Darlene said softly.

"Hey mom."

"How are you doing over there and how are you adjusting to your new school and dorm life? Hope you're not finding it difficult and have made some friends?"

"Oh you know me, being very adaptable and making tons of new friends in minutes," Jazz replied sarcastically.

"That's great honey. I miss you so much, we miss you so much. Just be safe for mommy okay."

"Yes mom, I'll make sure to cover myself with bubble wrap so I don't get a paper cut."

Darlene chuckled. "We love you Jazz."

"I love you too. Bye," Jazz replied softly and hung up. "Can I call someone else?" She asked.

"I'm afraid not, you're only allowed to call or receive calls from your parents during the week. You can call whoever you want during the weekend," Mrs Kayode said and took her phone from Jazz who left the office pouting.

"Hey Jazz," Mitchel called but she ignored him as she hurried down the crowded hall. "Jazz?" He called again, going after her.

She stopped abruptly, almost making him bump into her. "Hi," She replied rudely.

"How are you? I heard what happened between you and Ella, hope you're okay?" Mitchel asked.

"I'm okay." Jazz chuckled dryly. "If she had tried to hurt me in any way, I'd run her over with a Mack truck."

Mitchel stared at her for a while before speaking. "Okay... Would you like to study with me during free period tomorrow? I formed a study group for me and a few of my friends, you should join us."

Jazz hissed, "I would love to join you guys but, actually I wouldn't so... see ya later Michael."

"It's Mitchel and come on, it'll be fun. There'll be quizzes, games and spelling bees," He mentioned. Jazz noticed the badge on his chest. She then recognized him as the boy who stood alongside a girl on the podium during assembly. He was the head boy. Such a nerd.

"Thanks head boy, but I'd rather spend my free period staring at myself in the mirror than study with a bunch of nerds."

"We are not nerds, we just like to utilize our leisure by studying ahead, learning AI, completing assignments, enhancing our spelling skills and developing our vocabulary."

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