I still do.

The door opened to another room. The space was vacant and empty with it's wooden floorboards and ceiling-to-wall windows across the room from the entrance, giving it a great view to the backyard garden. The rest of the walls had glass mirrors with a several ballet barres standing in front of it. The floor seemed to gleam and polish with a new sparkle to it as I spun around a little, a wide smile planted on my face.

It was a ballet studio.

I've always loved being in ballet studios. It felt as if my dancing improved greatly when I was gliding across the floor performing pirouettes and gigantic leaps. There was a certain precessional aura attached to it, as if you either got the dance move right or you could take your ass out of here.

"It's a ballet studio."

Henry said as he stepped inside the room, his bare feet making no sound as he stepped across the shiny wooden floors. He stood next me, his arms placed formerly behind his back. "I used to dance in here all the time," He continued as he began moving his foot silently on a rhythmic pattern. "Tap used to be my favorite since it sounds magnificent against these floors, don't you agree?"

Surprisingly, he managed to create a magnificent sound from his barefoot, it echoed and clapped around the room in an upbeat rhythm. His feet were quick and slapped against the floor as he began to dance.

"Darling, stop showing off!" scolded Bella, who had to wipe off her admiring smile in order to appear serious. You could see that she clearly loved him; the way her eyes seem to sparkle as she looked at him, the way she would kiss him a second longer than necessary. It was true love... something that only few people have in their life.

(A/N: Please play the song on the side while reading this... it goes great with the scene ♬)

I took off my shoes, closing my eyes as I feel the cold smooth floor kiss my feet gently. Ah, the feeling of a dance about to be born. It was a feeling that made you smile a little, it held in all your worries for the few moments that you dance, it made my heart warm slightly. That was why I loved ballet.

I walk around the room, my eyes still closed as I felt light on my feet. I started in first position as I felt my own music take control of me. The minutes seem to slow as I moved my feet slightly and....

And started dancing.

I felt myself melt into nothing but air as I floated around the room in pirouettes and leaps and twirls. My feet were in the air for a few moments before landing softly on the floor back again in order to start a new dance move. My mind was lost for a few moments and so was my worries as I danced my heart out.

I could feel the two pair eyes on me but I didn't care because I wasn't human right now. I was apart of a dance that had no other feeling to it except to happiness. The malice soften away into calming serenity. I kept moving though, not wanting to stop the feelings that flowed through me and began to erase the hate, the sadness, the memories that created a shell of a girl who used to be alive.

But I had to stop. No matter how long I kept dancing, I knew I had to return back to life. It was so sad that even the thought of it made me dance until I felt nothing but my feet and arms that moved to it's own mind.

I stopped as I kneeled to the floor, finishing my dance. My cheeks were flushed and my chest heaved up and down to gain back it's steady rhythm. I had no idea I danced so hard that I ran myself out but I was used to it. It tended to happen from time to time when I felt pent-up inside.

Which was all the time.

"That was beautiful, honey," Bella sniffled as she held onto Henry's hand tight. "I knew you could dance but I didn't expect it to be so good!"

I nodded my head as a thank you as I stood up, grabbing my shoes. I didn't put them on though since my feet felt red and sore from hopping around. I hadn't meant to put on a show, it was just a dance that meant nothing but a daily routine. It was my sugar rush.

My concaine bliss.

My illegal high.

My perfect way to get rid of myself. I just couldn't resist it no matter how hard I tried. It helped me erase my hatred, my sadness and all those painful memories that built up inside of me and created a shell of a girl who used to be alive.

"I agree, it was raw and emotional: something that every dance should have... good job." He gave me a thumbs-up before pulling out his beeping BlackBerry. He read the notice fastly before looking up at Bella and I.

"I'm sorry ladies but I have some business to do. Julia, you must go and give yourself a tour of the house, we have nothing to hide. Supper will be ready by 6:30 so you have-" He checked his watch. "About 3 hours to go on with your business."

He walked out the room with a curt nod, his fingers skimming across the the keyboard of the BlackBerry rapidly.

Bella sighed. "I'm sorry, honey but I have to get ready for my book club meeting held here. We reviewing Fifty Shades Of Grey!" She squealed as she fluttered out of the studio.

I sighed, walking in my room. I could finally get some peace and quiet.

I walked out the balcony, watching as the roses planted underneath get drenched in the rain. The rain was warm and comforting as I sat on the little comfy lawn chair that was on the porch. It soaked my hair, curling it slightly as I watched the grey sky swirled with white clouds.

I stand up, looking over the balcony as I see the handle of a rope ladder tied tightly to the railing. It looked old and worn with the strong sweet smell of lavenders and lilacs laced around the ropes that would support you if you would like to go down.

Hmm, I wondered...

I felt adrenaline pump through my veins as I threw a leg over the railing, moving it around to catch one of the rope steps that kept me from falling. I didn't know what I was doing or even why I was doing it but I was a very curious girl with curious needs and this was just one of my adventures.

I began climbing down very slowly, not wanting of the steps to give out on me and send me flying me down. I sucked in a breath when the wind would blow especially hard and would almost knock my face against the wall. It was exciting and scary at the same time, something that should never be put together.

When I reach the bottom of the ladder, I hop down...

And began to run into the busy town of London.

The Silenced Girl ~Zayn Malik Fanfic~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora