Black. Lives. Matter.

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I'd like to start off this very important message with a disclaimer:

A black woman writes this story and stories on this here account. A fed up, angry black woman.

A woman who is tired of injustices towards her community for the last 400 years. I haven't had to be alive to feel the pain from the past.

So if you aren't anti-racist please, I will direct you the arrow on the top left hand side to un-add my book/books from your library and to unfollow me expeditiously.

I do NOT want or need your view, vote or comment.

What I do need is a discussion to be started about the systematic racism that has been placed to oppress black men and women. The system that is racially biased. A system that turns the other cheek. A system that is murdering us and getting away with it.

Black lives matter is my protest and it's against any person who is against it. All Lives won't matter until Black ones do!

It is sickening and hurtful to see that list grow everyday of my brothers and sisters being killed behind a country we BUILT!

So yes, I support the riots
Yes, I support the looters
Yes, I support the properties being damaged.

Because enough is enough! Change starts now and I don't care bad it gets, I promise we won't stop until it is finished.

You can either support us or be against us. Be on the right side of history and help support love.

I didn't want to sound angry or like I'm lecturing you guys but truly this subject is such a sore one for me. From being a little kid in class having my glasses ripped off my face and stomped in the ground to me now dealing with being denied constantly because the color of my skin.

I just want to educate you guys on this situation and make you aware. It is happening and it won't stop till things have changed.

Please go to protests, sign petitions, donate and use your voice to speak out.

This is your author signing out.

Ps: If you guys should know you made the right decision by standing a band that is out here standing up for black lives. I mean all signed and donated. Niall and Harry are out at protests. We should be a very proud fandom.

Love and kisses ;)

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