Chapter 22: Adore you

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You guys didn't ask for this but NIALLS POV!!!

It all happened so fast. One minute I was holding the love of my life in my arms and the next I was watching him fall limp off the stage. I scrambled to his side ignoring thousands of screams being yelled at me as girls ran frantically for shelter.

Harry laid unconscious on the ground spilling out blood as security kneeled over him calling for medical services as I climbed around him to look to him.

"Oh shit." I yell out my voice shaking with horror clear in my voice as I kneeled down to Harry's face. His face had been flushed of all color as his eyes felt limp.

I couldn't even think properly as I seen the guard pull out a first aid kit and apply direct pressure practically trying to save Harry's life.

"I don't see an exit wound so I presume the bullet is still inside , sir." He talks into the walkie talkie before I seen a gurney being raced to the scene of the crime. I moved his curls out his face and stared down at him letting tears leave my face.

I was careful to make sure his face wasn't damaged. As they picked up his limp body and placed him on the moving bed. I watched as two security guards pulled me away to safety as I watched Harry be transported to any emergency location.

I was lost for words and empty minded. I can't think about losing my Harry. I can't think about losing my love.

It wasn't long before I was in a car with my manager and the rest of the band on the way to the hospital racing behind the medical bus as I stay numb to any noise or reactions.

I couldn't focus on Louis crying uncontrollably or the sound of Zayn desperately trying to calm him or the sight of Liam letting his tears fall silently as he suffered in his own space.

There I was feeling numb. Completely numb.

It reminded me of that day I found Leo.

Leo had left a letter for me to discover in my kitchen of my LA home which made me race to the exact location he told me I'd find him to find Leo with a bullet hole in his head laying against a huge rock holding a picture of me and his family in his limp hands.

I remembered that day screaming for it to be a dream. I couldn't fathom losing Leo and here I was losing Harry.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital I was escorted into the hospital despite all the commotion of paps outside disturbing the peace of the poor patients inside as we walked in together.

The nurse inside already knew who we were there for and brought us to a waiting area that had maybe two vending machines and dirty coffee area that's wasn't stocked at all. We were told to sit and wait for Harry to be out of surgery and await any news.

I still couldn't feel anything as I felt I had everything ripped away from me. I just felt like I couldn't breathe and that Gemma took everything from me. My career and my baby boy.

That's when the guys showed me love like no other. Starting with Louis they all huddled around me watching me look up to them without any ounce of emotion as Louis sat next to me holding his hand out showing his red face full of tears.

"It's okay, Niall." He says I take his hand in mine before I felt those tear fall down my face not being able to stop. And I soon was sobbing into the arms of my best mates in a waiting area awaiting the news of my lover.

I couldn't compose myself at all. I had to lay into Louis lap while Liam rubbed my back until I calmed down staring at the wall.

"Guys I know I've been shit to you but I wouldn't have picked any other guy to play in your place. You guys are the best." I tell them my voice cracking as I look to everyone of them.

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