part 18

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We had all come back from the asylum. The guys were in their rooms and Emerson and I were in mine. I kept playing with his hair, hugging him, holding his hand.

"I'm real y/n. You can stop touching me." He said smiling. "But I don't want to. I've been waiting for this day for months. Now that you're human again I'm not letting you go." I said latching onto him. He laughed a little and scooted me closer to him.

While we sat there I noticed his eyes kept moving. A sign he was thinking. "What's on your mind?" I asked. How far away is San Diego from here?" He asked.

It's about two and a half hours from here, why?" I asked. "We should go see it. I want to see what's changed and what's all the same." He said. I nodded and we planned the trip for tomorrow.

The next morning we packed in case we decided to stay longer then a day and got on the move. As we drove Emerson became more tense. "You're not starting to regret this decision are you?" I asked. "No! It's just that I havent been here in a long time obviously and I'm just nervous and excited. At the same time." I nodded and placed a hand on his thigh. He smiled at me and kissed my hand. I blushed a little and kept driving. "Does everything I do make you blush?" He asked. "Pretty much."

When we arrived his eyes went wide. "What is it?" I asked. "Its much bigger than what it was." He said. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Well it has been over 100 years Em."

"I know but it's just odd. All of this was just land. A small vineyard or two off in the distance. A school was over there where that tall building is." He said pointing to the cluster of skyscrapers. "Those are skyscrapers Emmy." He then looked at me. "A what?" He asked. "Those tall building are called skyscrapers. They scrape the sky because they're so tall. "He nodded.

As we explored more of San Diego and and listening to Emerson complain about how horrible the remodeled court house looks we set off in a different direction. He kept looking around curiously. "What are you looking for?" I asked. "Theres a cemetary around here somewhere. It's small and old." He said looking around more.

We looked and looked but came out with nothing. "Maybe its-wait! Stop!" He cut me off and practically jumped out of the car while it was still moving. "Emerson!" I exclaimed as be fell to the ground but got right back up and started running.

I put the car in park and followed after him. You would think after running through countless haunted abandoned building I'd be good at running. Alas, I am not.

When I finally caught up to him he was looking over three graves. I slowly walked up to him. On the graves were three names.

Stephanie Rachel Kropp
June 24, 1868-December 10th, 1918

Sebastian Kropp
July 1st, 1890-December 10th, 1918

Remington Leith Kropp
May 5th, 1892-December 10th, 1918

I sighed and hugged him. "I'm sorry Emmy." I said as lovingly as possible. "They would've liked you. Seb would have liked your cooking. He was always good at it. I still have most of his recipes memorized." He said. "Maybe you could make one of them when we get back. He nodded and I noticed his eyes were glaxing over. I hugged him tighter and longer.

"Thank you." He said. "You don't have to thank me." I said. "Yes I do. Because of you I'm out on that asylum. Because of you james is gone and is no longer tormenting me. Because of you." He said taking my hands in his. "I know what love is." He kissed me deeply until I had to get air. He lifted his hand to my cheek and lightly stroked it. "Because of you I've found happiness." He said kissing me once more.

We got back in the car and he gave me new directions. "Where are we going now?" "A place that's special."

When we got there he once again got out while the car was still moving. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I followed his and was met with a beautiful weeping willow tree.

"We used to come here a lot. Picnics, birthdays, an excuse to get out of the house." He then took my phone and started playing a song. "Care to dance m'lady?" He asked offering his hand. "I would love to." I said. As we danced we looked into each others eyes. His brilliant green ones putting me in a trance.

"You're eyes sparkle when you're happy." He said out of the blue. "Yours do too." I said. We danced until the sun began to set. "We better make out way back home." He said. I agreed and we started out journey back home. "Best day ever." He said to himself as we walked back to the car.

Hey guys! It's been a while! Hows everyone doing? I hope you enjoyed this new chapter. I need your guys help more than ever right now. I need new ideas for new chapters. Oe if you guys feel like the story should end give me finale ideas.

Bye for now my loves

lonely asylum nights (an Emerson Barrett story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant