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I woke up in a cold, dingey room. I looked around and didn't see anyone. All I could here was screaming and yelling. I poked my head out if the doorframe and saw an elderly man being dragged into the room across from me. Out of fear that the guards would see me I ducked back in. That's when I saw Emerson standing at the end if the room. I could tell it was his by the writings on the wall.

"Wht did you bring me back here?" I asked. "Because I wanted you to know the 'real' Jason. Not the one that's a spirit." He takes my hand and leads me down the hall. He leads me into a room similar to the one we were just in. Instead there's reddish brown stains on the walls and there dents in the walls and door. I race them with my hand.

"This was Jason's room. We were hall mates so to say. He was constantly screaming and beating against the walls and the door. That's what those dents are from." He said. I gasped and continued listening.

"Jason was brought in a little after I was. There actually was something wrong with him. He was more mental than I was and believed his great ansectors would one day come and brake him free from this place." He said. "Was he brought in for more than just that?" I asked. Emerson nodded. "He killed his son and daughters in their sleep. Said they had been cursed by the devil and that the only was to cleanse them was to kill them." He said. I gave him a confused look. "Yeah. He was actually crazy."

Emerson then led me to a dark, cold room. I could hear someone snoring. I looked at emerson laying on the bed. I looked at him. "Just watch." He said. I waited for a minute until I heard his door open. I looked to see Jason entering. I instantly knew what was gonna happen and hid my face in emersons chest. He held me close to him. I could here the screaming and the sound of the knife going on and put of the body. It was horrid for me. I looked up to see him just staring at the memory.

I heard the door shut but I didn't want to see his body laying there. "You can look now." He said. I shook my head not knowing if I could trust him. "We're in the lobby now." He said. I looked and he was right,yet I still held onto him." Why are you still hugging me. "Because I don't want to let go." I said. "Wjy not?" He asked. "I don't know. I guess it's because I've been so facinated with you these last few years and your story and just you and just...I don't know." I said as I leaned into him. "Are you falling for a ghost y/n?" He asked. I shrugged. "I guess I am." I said. He smiled. "If i was able to leave this place and rejoin the world as a human and be with you I would,but no one would except me." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked. "I'm from a long time ago. I don't know much about the world anymore. "But you can learn! I can teach you!" I said. He smiled at me and shook his head. I'm afraid that's not how this works." I sighed. "Let me tell you a little more about myself. All you know is my life during the asylum. You don't know my full story." He said. "Then tell me." I answered.

He sat down on the floor and I followed. "When I was little my family thought there was something wrong with me mentally. There wasn't. My dad decided to beat and abuse me because he thought I was different. He would burn me,slap me,shive me to the ground and step on me. He would call me names and tell I was a worthless human being. That I was a mistake. That I had no right to be alive. This went on till I was thirteen. My dad left the picture. Then I was just me, my brothers and my mother.

My brother Remington and I were close. We did everything together and went everywhere together. He was my protector from my father. He knew he couldn't get to me if Remington was home.

My brother sebastian and I weren't that close. He thought there was something wrong with me as well. He didn't treat me like a brother. He treated me like I wasn't even human. I hate to say it but I could care less if he was still alive.

My mother was a good soul. She was the nicest of everyone. She then got sick and couldn't do much. I went to get medicine for her and came home to my family slaughtered in the living room. I was the first one they saw so I was the first one to blame." He said.

The more I listened the more I felt sorry for him. He wasn't mental at all. He was just the outcast. The black sheep of the family. I didn't know what to say. I crawled over to him and hugged him as tight as I could. "But you know what's a plus about everything?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "I met you. I have you right now. That's what's good. Ever since you first came here I've been excited to see you. That's why I always do stuff to make you know it's me." He said. I smiled at him. I realized it was way past dark and needed to get home.

"I have to go em. I'll see you soon though." I said. He smiled at me and hugged me tight. "Goodbye y/n. I'll miss you." He said. "I'll miss you too Emmy." I got up and walked to my car. I have to come back. Both for research and just to see him again.

By for now my loves

lonely asylum nights (an Emerson Barrett story)Where stories live. Discover now