Part 16

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No! This can't be right! Emerson's dad committed those murders. How can James be connected to them? My eyes scanned across the screen reading the article.

James Lee Anderson connected to the Kropp family murders. On the morning of December 10th, 1918 Emerson Kropp was convicted of the murders of Stephanie, Sebastian, and Remington Kropp. He was sent to Lone Hill Asylum on insanity and murder charges. But now three years later the true perpetrators have been caught and convicted. On the three year anniversary of the Kropp murders investigators traveled back to the residents where the crime had happened. When investigators entered the main room they found a blood stained kitchen knife on the floor. Investigators brought it in for examining. The examination of the knife lead to fingerprints being discovered on the handle. Fingerprints that belonged to James Lee Anderson and Philip dale kropp. Anderson and Kropp were cousins known around the town because of their strong ties to the founders of the town. Anderson was sent to Lone Hill and Kropp was sent to different Facility in the next town over.

As soon as I was done reading the article I felt someone sit down beside me. "What are you reading?" Emerson asks me placing an arm around my shoulders. "See for yourself." I said moving the laptop to where he could see it. "He was there?" He asked. "I didn't even see him when I came back in the house. It was just my dad." He said running his had through his wavy hair. "He might have ran when he saw you coming back." I said. He read the article again in disbelief. "Why would he want my family dead? He was never around us." He said sighing.

"Can you do something for me?" I asked taking his hand in mine. "Of course." He said smiling at me. "I need you to try and remember the day your brothers and mom died." I said. He looked at me odd but complied.

"What do you remember?" I asked. "I remember coming home. My family layed out on the floor. My mom and Remington had stab wounds and their throats were slit." He said. His eyes getting glassy. "What about sebastian?" I asked. "He was stabbed but his throat wasn't slit." He said. I nodded.

"Anything else?" I asked. "There...There was bloody footprints going out the backdoor. I thought they were my dads." He said. It looked like something in his mind clicked. He got up and started pacing the room. "Emmy? Are you okay?" I was starting to get nervous.

"Sebastian didnt have his throat slit." He said. "Yeah. Do you think james did it?" I asked. "Its possible. But what's to say he didn't cut my mom and rems throats?" He asked. "I think James was the one who killed seb. It was reported that he didnt have a slit throat and he had less stab wounds. Less rage towards him." I said looking into his eyes. Several emotions were in them.

"I saw him. I saw him when he ran out the back door. I never thought about it until right now." He said. "So we've solved some mysteries behind james." I said. "Yeah. But that still doesnt answer why he decided to kill me. It's like after all this time their deaths are still haunting me." He says. His voice cracking slightly.

"Oh Em." I pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that for who knows how long. "I've got a question." I said. "And what is it?" He asked.

How fast can you get us to the asylum?

By for now my loves

lonely asylum nights (an Emerson Barrett story)Where stories live. Discover now