part 21

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  "You want us to go where?" Zak said unloading all of the gear. They had just returned from investigating The Queen Mary when Em and I got home. "We need to go to Santa Clarita an visit the two asylums there. One of them has to have Philip's ghost in it." I said.

  "Y/n, we've already been given the places we're visiting this season." Jay said. "So what! Who said this couldn't be our season finale. We get to pick that destination and I think it should be either Santa Clarita Asylum or Blackwell Asylum." The guys looked at me and sighed. "Fine. We'll leave first thing in the morning." Zak said. I smiled and Em and I went to our room.

  When I came in I noticed that the logbook from Lone Hill was on the floor. I picked it up and sat it back on my desk. "That was odd." I said sitting on my bed. Em was staring off into space. "You've been doing that a lot recently." I said taking his hat off and sitting it on my head. He smiled at me and lightly kissed me.

  "Sorry. I'm just thinking." He said. "About what?" He was silent for a minute. "What if we don't find my dad?" He said. That made my face fall. "We'll find him." I said throwing his arm around my shoulders. "How can you be so sure?" "Ghosts haunt places where they've felt the most pain and agony. That's what you and James were trapped in Line Hill." He nodded. "But what if. If we don't find him we can't free my mom and brothers." His eyes slightly filled with tears.

  "I promise you. We will find them. Then you can all be one big happy family again." I said kissing his cheek." He smiled at me and kissed my nose. "I love you." He said. "I love you too."

  The next morning we were ready to go. All of the gear was packed up and in the car. "You ready?" I asked Em. "As ready as I can be."

  When we got to Santa Clarita Asylum I hopped out and stood in front of the entrance ready to do the introduction. Jay gave me the countdown and started rolling. "Hello everyone and welcome to the season finale of Ghost Adventures. As always I'm Y/n Bagens and I'm here at Santa Clarita Asylum with the rest of the team. This asylum was construct in 1839 and was open until 1925. Like the asylums we've visited in the past this place houses a interesting cast of characters. But the one we are looking for today is the spirit of Philip Kropp. Some of you may remember his son Emerson Kropp from Lone Hill Asylum."

  I talked for a little bit longer and then we went in. First we covered the place as a whole and then began hunting for Philip. Spirit boxes on and camera's rolling. I got nothing but static. "I'm looking for the spirit of Philip Kropp. Is he here?" Nothing.

  We continued on throughout the building and got nothing. Not even from other spirits. The footage was pretty much useless. "Okay so he nor any other spirits are here." Aaron said. "Maybe they're just shy." I said. "I don't know. If I saw my son looking alive and well I'd start a commotion." Billy said packing up the gear. I rolled my eyes.

  "Well, I guess that means it's off to Blackwell." I said climbing in the car. "Woah woah woah. It's like three in the morning y/n. Let's wait until tomorrow." Zak said. I sighed and agreed. On the way to the hotel I noticed Em looked disappointed. I grabbed his hand and gave him a soft smile. Simply saying that we'd find him.

  That afternoon we were on the road to Blackwell. I really hoped Philip was in this one. I felt like I owed it to Em to find Philip. Without him he can't free his family.

  When we arrived I redid my introduction from yesterday. We did a sweep of the building. I thought we were once again going to left empty handed until I heard something upstairs. I dashed up the stairs. When I got up there I turned on my spirit box. It was silent however. "Philip, if you're here show me a sign." I said. No words were said and no sounds appeared. I kept asking over and over again but nothing. I turned it off and chunked it across the room.

  "Fuck!" I exclaimed as I stormed down the stairs. I heard the guys yelling upstairs. When I reached the ground floor I ran outside and started chunking rocks. "Y/n calm down!" Aaron said. "How am I supposed to be calm? This was our last chance at finding Philip and we didn't! This and Santa Clarita are the only fucking asylums by San Diego and he's not in a single goddamn one!" I said kicking the tire. "If he's not here than where the fuck is he?!" 

  I was beyond frustrated right now. "Maybe he got moved to another asylum." Zak tried to reason but I wasn't listening. I was angry crying and pacing. Running my hands through my hair. I punched the air and kicked the dirt. Em finally grabbed my hands and made me stop pacing. "Hey, look at me. It's okay." He said. "No! No it's not! I promised you we would find him. I promised you that we'd free your family. Now look where we are! We have nothing!"

  "And that's okay. I haven't seen them in over a century and I'm okay with not seeing them again. Don't feel as if you've let me down because you haven't. My dad is somewhere. We just have to find where that somewhere is. But right now we need to go home and get some rest." I nodded and reluctantly got in the car." I glared at the abandoned building infront of us. 'You're not hiding forever, mother fucker. I will find you. '

By for now my loves

lonely asylum nights (an Emerson Barrett story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz