part 26

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Three months from last chapter.

"So you're telling me I can use this to get ahold of people and look at random people's pictures on the internet?" Remington asked his brother. "Yes, Rem. You can." He said placing a hand on his older brothers shoulder. "Awesome!" He said.

"You still don't know how to use a phone?" Sebastian asked from the stairwell. "Shush! I've only been alive for three months.!" Remington shot back. "So have I, brother, and I know how to use mine." "Well good for you!" He said throwing his hands up. The playful banter between the three of them made me happy. I loved seeing them getting along and doing things together like the good old days.

"Shouldn't you be helping your girlfriend with dinner?" Stephanie asked. "oh trust me mother, I'm a klutz in the kitchen. No matter how much I try, I can't cook to save my life." He said. "That's the only reason he's with me." I said with a slight laugh.

"That's not true!" Em said looking at me. "I know. I was kidding. If you really want to help call my brother and invite them all over." I said gesturing to phone on the dining table. He nodded and went to make the phone call. When he left his brothers and mother's eyes were on me. I felt kinda nervous.

"So how did you meet Emerson?" Stephanie asked. I left out a quiet sigh of relief. "It's a long story. Me, my brother, and our friends started filming a television show called Ghost Adventures where we went and explored abandoned, haunted buildings. We went To Lone Hill Asylum for our very first episode. We found him and we kept going back. One thing led to another and he confronted James and he was freed." I said finishing up the main course.

They looked at me smiling. "You make him very happy y/n. I think that speaks for itself but it shows." Stephanie said. "He makes me happy." I said turning back towards the counter, staring at my stomach. I was already a month and half in to the pregnancy. Only me and Emerson knew. I almost felt guilty, I couldn't figure out why but I did. Stephanie walked off to figure out the tv. I saw Remington hand something to Emerson and he shoved it in his coat pocket while talking to my brother on the phone. I kept cooking away. The tiny baby in me was in motion now and I bent over in pain and vomited. 

Emerson quickly rushed over to me, ending the call between him and Zach. "Dearest, are you alright?" I shook my head and looked at myself covered in my own puke, tears and sweat. "I don't know if I can survive these next few months Em." He hugged me and motioned his mother over to look after the food as he helped me to the bathroom. 

 "Here." He turned on the shower and helped me get undressed and settled in the shower. "Thanks Emmy." He smiled. That smile is what made me the happiest. "Of course y/n... and the little one, the little one is going to be a mess." I giggled as he rubbed my tummy and left. "Call me if u need anything." I nodded. 

 I sat down in the shower. I cried my eyes out. There's something I've been thinking about getting for Emerson since he won't hush. A horse. Ever since we went to thatplaceand rode horses emerson wouldn't shut up about wanting one. We were already looking at houses in the country. Something we both wanted. I sighed and began washing myself and thinking about everything. In just a few short months our lives would change forever. It's crazy how three years ago I met my loving, now alive, boyfriend. 

I finished and went back out and Stephanie was placing plates on the table. "I'm so sorry steph." She smiled. "Don't be love. It's alright." I nodded as Emerson pulled my chair out. Sebastian and Remington were still fighting and fussing over the phone. My brother was there too. "I found a puppy" he handed me a small box. "What? Where?" I smiled at the tiny floof inside the box. "Well, ironically, lone hill, I went there for some thinking... was on the way here when Em called me. " I picked the puppy up and handed it to Emerson. He smiled. "Pepper!" I smiled. "Pepper it is." The tiny floof barked and licked Emerson. I put her on my lap as we began eating. I held Emerson's hand and kept rubbing my tummy. "Y/n?" Sebastian looked at me. I looked at Em. 

"Brothers, mother, we have a little one on the way." I hid my face and blushed. eeryn's faces dropped. Especially my older brothers'.  "And y/n, I have something for you." I shook my head. "No Emerson. I don't need anything* I tried to take another bite but he pulled my hands toward him. "What?" He smiled and got on one knee. "My dearest love, y/n, I shall give you this ring to show you my love and promise to there for you." I started crying and hugged him. My brother, who had said it was a bad idea to date a ghost, was also crying in awe. Rem and Sebastian clapped and Stephanie was happy. I didn't know what to do with myself but all I could do was smile. I was about get married and have a child. Never would I have imagined this is how my life would go. 

Most of this chapter was written by ragdoll747

The next chapter will be the final chapter of this story. 

Bye for now my loves

lonely asylum nights (an Emerson Barrett story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang