Chapter 9: Thresher and Atlas's Appearance

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Chapter 9: Thresher and Atlas's Appearance

Note: your probably wondering why I'm doing 'This' because the stones as someone suggested to me, are actually ALIVE and Sentient! Plus there will be six of them so every so often in the story and beyond will get some stone talk haha!

Now your probably wondering why I'm constantly updating this particular story and the reason for that is because I'm trying to figure out the combination for the infinity gauntlet swiftly and so I don't get shanked by my Good Friend and Artist @Battledroid1106


Jaune paced back and forth as he kept thinking on how to figure out a way to draw out a thresher but since jaune learned that the sheds are known to be territorial with other of its kind along with other types so if a Giant Desert Worm is Territorial will mean a nest, therefore an Alpha....or Queen.

The Blonde Genius looked down at the red stone embedded as it slowly illuminated a beautiful crimson glow and a voice is heard in Jaunes head 'my wonderful master...use me and shake the ground, the Thresher won't ignore the challenge...' Jaune blinked as he looked around trying to figure out who just whispered into his ear "...what? Who said that?" Jaune Commented as the voice spoke into his head was high pitched almost female like but his team wasn't even near the blonde man.

Doyle was trying to get back up onto his feet while shielding his abused manhood while cussing out profanity to the blind woman who was just laughing herself silly even dropped her sword hidden stick onto the sand with crystal also laughing herself so that meant it was someone else so looking down at his right hand where the stone was embedded "was...was that you?" 'Correct Observation...My Mastsr' the red stone glew when it spoke.

Jaune looked wide eyed that the Reality Stone was not only talking into his head but held a sizable vocabulary meaning high intelligence but how was that possible? Jaune created the stone from blood and aura therefore it couldn't have been alive "but how? You shouldn't be alive but a collection of Aura and Semblances" Jaune exclaimed as he started to walk towards the slight sand crater almost intentionally made by the Geographic Plane 'Tell me this master... what is Aura?' the stone whispered into the blondes ear causing Jaune to remain quiet for a moment turning his head to see what his team was doing before looking back towards the dimmed red stone.

"Aura is the Energy that All Living Creatures possess as it is our lifeline to combat against the Grimm allowing us super human feats and abilities no ordinary person can have" Jaune said the text book answer on what Aura is but Reality didn't seem to agree 'Master, what IS aura? Your definition of Aura' The Red Stone asked again but more clarification then before prompting jaune to think more "'s Life, Aura is Connected to Life and with modern research it's known that Aura is also energy created from our life and soul" The blonde man exclaimed how he sees aura before dawning on himself figuring out the Infinity Stones were created from Aura through Blood which meant...

The Infinity Stones were ALIVE, Jaunes eyes widened as it dawned on him. The stones were MEANT to be alive, be sentient as the aura and semblances crystallized together in a usable stone meant that jaune essentially created life even if the blonde man told people that he created tangible life through aura, he would be laughed at as a loser and a wannabe god.

'Ding Ding Master! The Stones you aimed to create were to be alive! And I am your Concept of 'Reality' shall I tell you what power you fused to make me?' Reality asked jaune who just remained silent for the time obviously in thought before muttering to the gauntlet "I know what semblances I used to make you...I'm gonna have to think of a name for you, later but for now let's bring out this thresher" Jaune raised his right hand with the red stone starting to glow brightly causing the very desert to shake upon command.

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