Chapter 7: Reality is Disappointing

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Chapter 7: Reality is Disappointing

Note: Alright my Doods! Here's another chapter and this time! The first Infinity Stone has been created! Is jaune a genius or what!

I'm still looking for ocs for Shades Staff and Student Roster and ideas for school events


Reality is Often Disappointing, Creatures of the universe work to a pointless end only to be drowned in despair while others work to a pre selected notion only to break all the same... Dread it, Run from It but The Despair from Destiny will arrive all the same but those with power or brains will aim to change destiny as they hold the determination to change themselves and the world however they will break one way or another swiftly or delayed.

Jaune Arc is one of those people but not out of choice but to become an isolated outcast who has only his intelligence to work with, since he finally pieced together his infant mind of 1 was able to work with his situation and build which started out simple which his mother Artoria saw this and enabled by putting jaune in the middle of a room filled with nothing but legos with the simple instruction "CREATE" this simple command sent jaune into a building frenzy which an out passed before the Arc Mother returned to be in shock that jaune built a literal look of a functioning city expanded up to Arc Matriarchs Waist and spanned the entire room.

At the age of 2 was when jaune took parts from old and non functioning appliances repurposing the parts to build new objects which added and increased Jaune Arcs need for "CREATION" but when jaune turned three is when his nightmares appeared after being rejected and isolated from other children but jaune only told Artoria as he fears the nightmares would strengthen if more people knew however even such nightmares didn't stop Jaunes need to create.

By the age of Four is when Jaune discovered Marvel Comic Issue #83 aka 'Infinity Gauntlet' the blonde child didn't really care for comics as they simply showed creations that are unrealistic though the infinity gauntlet had caught Jaunes attention that such a simple device, a gauntlet, was able to harness super powered gems that completely decimated an entire group of super powered warriors.

Jaune aims to build a similar gauntlet but it wasn't even close to be a successful project as the Proto Gauntlet merely used the energy from Common Dust Crystals therefore jaune crushed the dust used for the gauntlet and tossed the damn thing over a cliff.

Now jaune shelved the idea of the Infinity Gauntlet until the blonde child is able to unlock the way to create the stones using remnants natural resources.

-To The Present-

It's been three months since Jaune Arc had been placed into Team Alchemy(ACMM) and since then Jaune is favored heavily all across Shade as the Number 1 Academic Student and one of the top 10 Fighters using the Self Taught Skill of Mauy Tuai.

After the first Week Jaune started building his gauntlet also worked on other equipped to self which Samara informed jaune that she would be willing to buy any piece of equipment he built which frankly started with ordinary but upgraded guns which consisted the FN Series and the Wonder Weapons.

The FN Is usually meant to be Semi Auto Based Weaponry.

While the Wonder Weapons were made to be unique which its the first of there kind.

The first few days after selling the weapons to Samara, she then put the weapons on sell for the Vacuo military who purchased it.

When displaying there power had caught them off guard since they started off with the wonder weapons.

The first they tested was called 'Thunder Gun' which used Sound Condensed Air Dust which blasted apart a BOULDER.

The second they tested was called the 'Wunderwaff' which was a gun that shot out high deadly chain lightning, it was so deadly that it melted boulders and turned 30 Yards of Sand into glass. It was do deadly that it was shelved for further testing.

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