Chapter 3: Bonding and Truth Bomb

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Chapter 3: Bonding and Truth Bomb


It was an hour since the temporary formation of team ACMM aka Alchemy or they all would be sent home if they failed and Jaune had no home to go to after all so he needed to win this for his new team and for himself.

A door opened to a dorm room that looked suspiciously like the dorms back in Beacon Academy but unlike those at beacon these held sights of the sandy dunes outside, Jaune entered the room with an extremely tired look due to his long flight so not even talking about sleeping arrangements with his new team so he just fell onto a bed allowing it's comforting warmth envelop him entirely.

Crystal was next to enter only to look over to see Jaune already picking a bed for him prompting the leopard Faunus to smile at the sight "tired?" She asked earning a muffled 'mmhmm' from the blonde man allowing the snow haired woman to laugh lightly at this then picked the bed across from jaunes which is the same as the other side of the door.

"BEEEED!" Doyle shouted running into the room and jumped onto his now claimed bed which is at the side of Crystals, only to earn laughing from the Schnee Cousin "Laugh all you want Snowy but you try walking all the way to Shade because you didn't have the money for a fucking bullhead ticket!" Doyle exclaimed at her about the situation only to see her smile but propped her hand onto her elbow elevated hand as she laid on her side "money is no issue to me" "and whys that?" The gunslinger asked rolling onto his left side to stare at Crystal "after my parents death due to a white fang attack, they didn't have time to remake there will and such I've inherited my families fortune" Crystal informed the gunslinger on the fact that she is a multimillion lien woman and with no other family to share it so she has undoubted claim on the lien.

"Lucky, wanna split it!" Doyle muttered the first part only to ask the second like a leech only to see her grin "maybe~ if you impress me" the teasing snow cat exclaimed with a grin seeing an amused look from the duelist though crystal decided to ask her own question "where are you from?" "Mistral, my family was famous for producing powerful huntsmen and huntresses however my father decided to channel most of his doting nature to my older sisters because they had powerful semblances and abnormal aura pools" Doyle said as he rolled onto his back to stare at the ceiling "I had a caretaker because my dad spent so much time with my sisters but she was like the mother I've never had".

Upon hearing of this basic history got Crystal to frown as such an upbringing of very similar to her own except she was forced to be sheltered due to her genetic abnormality aka her ears "I'm sorry to hear life...isn't that great because my family, the Iclyns, are the cousins to the schnees as such we are expected to be like the main family but ever since I was born with my father forced me to stay inside and never allowed me to go outside as such the only person that remotely cared for me was my maid..." Crystal stopped talking for a moment as this portion of her history was very hard to bring up.

Doyle turned his head to face crystal and shhhs quietly at her but not in a condescending way but more of a way to calm her down "it's going to be fine Crystal...right?" He asked as he didn't really catch her name but got the approval nod making the gunslinger continue "it's going to be fine, being at Shade shows that your willing to be true to who you really are and not be tied down to anything" he spoke honestly as he was being true to showing he can be a huntsmen without his families influence.

Crystal stared at him for a few moments then smiled sweetly "thanks Doyle?" Getting a nod at the correct placement of the name "your sweet...what about you guys?" The snow cat asked looking over where mizuki who entered after Doyle shouted 'bed' and was sitting patiently on her bed while resting her head slightly at the sword like stick only to be called out thus smiling at the interaction she's been invited too "oh me? What is it that you want to know?" Mizuki asked allowing crystal to ask her a question "where your from could be a good start" "Mantle, born and raised. I was actually born to be groomed as the next priestess to the Shikatsu Shrine" Doyle raised an eyebrow at this considering shrines and priestess's we're still around even to the modern age.

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