"Anger and Gunshots"

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Damien's Pov: "What do you mean someone is stealing my shares from the comany?"

I shouted on the phone banging my fists onto the table.

I want that fucker to be caught and if not then you all will bear the consequences. Mind my words I shouted onto the phone before cutting  it.

Seeing the time i realised I had been in the office for way too long and it was time to follow cally and see if she reached home safely.

I know what you all must be thinking that me and cally have still not been  together?

The answer to which is yes, cally  has still  not overcome her fear which meant i continue  follow her like a shadow even after 2 weeks of being discharged.

But i have not lost hope yet and i would try again and again  till the time i don't  succeed and win her heart back.

Also i have been trying  to catch that fucker who made  my cally's life miserable causing her to have such complexes about herself and a terrible past.

Yes, I know all about cally's past now.

Although she does not know yet that  I know and I want to keep it that way ok till the time i find that monster and kill him myself for all the damage he has done to my angel and also her birth parents.

So with that thought in my mind I wore my coat and took my car keys from the table ready to leave when my ex- girlfriend Veronica entered my office and started flirting with me.

"Veronica what are you doing here?" I asked her?

"Oh common Damien" I know you have still not gotten over me.
I am here to give you a good time and she came near and tried to kiss me.
But i  pushed her away on time causing her to jerk back.

"Get over yourself Veronica" I do not love you and you and me were long over when you decided to cheat on me with my step-brother for money.

"Please Damien don't say that"
I am really sorry for what i did  and i still love you soo much.

"Veronica leave my office right now"
I shouted, before i call security plus how did my receptionist let you enter anyway.

I would make sure to fire her and this will all be your fault.

"Damien please listen to me once she started crying"

"Don't  you fake cry in front of me Veronica cause your charms won't work now."

I have found more beautiful woman than you who is pure not only from outside but from inside too unlike your fake boobs and your botoxed skin.

"Veronica started shouting and said to me i will get you for this Damien. If you can't be  mine I will make sure that you cannot be anyone else's too.

I will make your mystery woman whom  you love soo much  life miserable.

When she said those words it made me more angry and before she could leave my office i reached her faster in 2 strides and pushed my neck back with my hands  pulling at her hair and pressed a little harder warning her:
"If you dare touch even a strand of hair of  my woman or think about hurting her, i will personally make sure to murder you myself also to make it painful for you . Got it? "

Don't forget i still own your company shares and with just a flick of my fingers i could make you bankrupt. Understood?

When she did not answer, i asked again pressing her neck a little harder" I said Understood?"

She started coughing and nodded her head meakly and left my office with fear in her eyes.

After she left i saw the time and realized it was already very late on a winter night and it got me worried about Cally so i rushed out of my office to see where cally had reached.

While i was driving i started thinking about what 2 weeks it had been  and my mind started wandering about the time when cally got discharged from the hospital how i was so frantic to know about her past and how my investigator on not bring able to find anything left me desperate . And on knowing she had a sister left me desperate  to go and visit her  and after a lot of pestering and full disclosure of my love for her Cally she decided to open up and that's how i came to know about my love's past.
But one thing which kept bothering me till now was the fact the amount of pain and suffering she suffered and how strong and bold she was to face her demons alone.

After knowing about her past i made a resolution in my mind that day that no matter what happens even if i am not able to ever come near my love i will always make sure to protect her and no harm come her way. That's how i became more possessive and every day used to watch over her just to make sure she reached home safely and today was no different.

Being so lost in my thoughts i did not realize when Cally's cafe had come.

So i got down and rubbed my arms together to get rid of the brutal cold and entered inside pretending as if i was a customer. On hearing the jingling of the bells of the cafe i saw a petite black haired woman coming out who i presumed was Cally's coworker and she smiled at me and asked me "Hi what can i get you tonight"

"I said nothing thank you "
But told her actually i had come to meet Cally. I knew i was taking my chances but i had to be sure that she had not left yet.

The woman frowned and told me Cally had left 15 minutes ago. That got me worried so i thanked her and rushed back to my car and started driving on the deserted roads slowly in search of my woman.

Although it had become to difficult to see anything due to intense fog i could not shake this feeling in my heart that cally was in danger.

So i prayed to the God's above to please help me find my woman and to keep her safe. And it was like God heard me because just  as i was going to cross a clearing  that was a time i heard loud screaming and something falling on the floor.

I panicked on recognizing the voice  and hurriedly  parked my car around the ditch and left the car not before carrying my gun and putting it in my back pocket.

I started running to the place from where the noise was coming and on reaching the place what i saw left me angry and my head started exploding 

I saw not one but two men trying to rape what was mine and that was not it i saw my woman on a verge of what i assumed was a panic attack scratching at her neck and gasping for air.

The only thing written in my eyes was murder at that time so i shot the two men without blinking not before beating the shit of them with my knuckles and fist.
They both fell on the ground writhing in pain and blood coming out of their bodies and fell close to the place where my woman lay.

I  immediately rushed to where cally lay and picked her up in my arms bridal style  she was so light as a feather  and weighed nothing.

After picking her up i was grateful for one thing though  that her eyes were closed and she did not know what was happening around her because if she knew i don't think i could have tolerated  hate in her eyes for me.

After killing those morons and picking my angel up i saw that she blinked her eyes a few times but could not keep her eyes open so immediately clung to my chest holding my shirt tightly with her small fists and relaxed in my arms and fainted.

It brought a smile on my face to know that my angel was safe but what gave me more satisfaction was how she clung to my body  right now and how she relaxed like her body recognized my smell and touch and knew that she was safe and home and there was nothing to worry.

With Cally  in my arms  i started moving towards my car and put her  onto the passenger seat carefully so as not to injure her more and put a seatbelt onto her body and drove off to take her to her  place.

Hey guys sorry for the late update.  I hope you all are safe and doing good.

The above picture  before the chapter starts is that of Damien's ex Veronica.

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Also let me know in your comments below what do you think should  happen next.

Lots of love

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