"Life or Death"

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"Sometimes Life gives you a second chance to Live and Love the people with all your Heart"


Damien's Pov:  I paced back and forth in the corridor of the hospital frantically in worry and tension thinking about Cally and if she is going to live or not, my heart is beating fast cause I can't wait to see my Cally open her beautiful eyes assuring me everything is going to be alright.

When I found my angel's body sprawled on the floor with her blood covering her body, I  couldn't help but cry and hold her tightly hoping that she would wake up.

She was my  Badass  Goddess who took the bullet for me but also succeeded in killing her tormentors.

Liam and the police found Veronica unconscious on the floor armed with a gun, the reason she was unconscious was that something or someone crashed a rock on her head making her collapse by the impact, she is being treated now and as soon as she recovers, she will be questioned and arrested by the police.

We did not know how cally and her nephew escaped, Apparantly they were both trapped in the basement by Veronica, uncle and mike.  There were giant shards of glass splattered on the floor and a small barrel staircase near the broken window. The police felt that Cally and her nephew escaped through the window crawling their way out.

Liam told me that during the time, I was inside talking to Mike and uncle, Cally came limping towards them and the police and she had been carrying her nephew whose name she told us is Adrian. Cally handed Adrian to the police for safety and then asked me when you were at this time.

I told her you were in the room talking to uncle and Mike and that she needed to get away from this place as she was severely  injured but Cally being herself fled to the police which were trying to hold her back and ran towards the room taking the shotgun from the police and pushed you away from the bullet which had been shot by uncle and took the bullet for you, he told me.

I can't describe my feelings right now, should i be angry or sad? But one thing was for sure I would love my angel forever.

I ruffled my already messy hair, I was soo scared that if anything happens to Cally I won't be able to survive. I would be completely heart broken. She is the main source of my existence and I would never let her go again.

I sat down in one of the hospital chairs which faced the room Cally was being treated in. My left leg was padding on the floor in restlessness, The doctors were performing an operation on her as Cally's injuries were bad. They said they will get to know of her results once the operation was complete. I hope she is alright.

A small tap on my shoulder caught my attention and I turned to look at who it was, "Uncle thank you for saving my aunty" a small person who I assumed was cally's  nephew hugged me.

"Hi there little one." What's your name?

"My name is Adrian, he said" As he was telling his name to me a young woman came running  towards us and shouted "Adrian" running towards him.

Adrian turned his head and shouted "Mommyyy" and then ran to hug his mother. the woman was crying badly and kissing the face of her son again and again leaving no area. When she was satisfied that he is really present here, turned her head towards me and said "Thank you" in a whisper still clutching onto the kid. 

"I smiled at her and did not realize there was a tear in my eye" I wiped my tear and  knew the woman to be Cally's sister as their appearance also matched. 

I then shifted my attention towards Cally and waiting for the doctor to come out. 

A few minutes passed and loud footsteps echoed in the empty hallway, I was not even looking who it was, I was so lost in my thoughts and worry for Cally, "Any news on Cally?" Liam and Marie asked me as they took a seat near me on one of the chairs.

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