"Mine Forever"

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Damien's Pov: I closed my eyes in fear. Fear of losing my love. I want her to keep her eyes open forever.  It is better than seeing her fall dead on me on the hospital bed. 

I wanted to scream so badly, wanted to kill myself even. The frustration and the guilt were the only things I felt. But suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Liam. 

He gave me the most genuine smile and helped me get up. I was more than shocked and confused.

"I..I.. what-?" I stuttered looking around and searched for Cally trying to run towards her room.

Liam said "I know why you are confused but first let's get out of here. Then i will tell you everything. No need to worry Cally is fine!"

Cally is fine. His words gave me relief. My mouth was still opened in shock but I followed him. I saw Cally  on the hospital bed unconscious and my breathing hitched.

Liam said "It's ok she got a minor shock which caused her to breathe difficultly but the doctors were able to fix her up on time and she is perfectly fine. 

Marie came and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back. She then kissed me on the cheek.

"Damien are you ok?" she asked me. Ever since she and Liam started dating, she considered me like her big brother so her love and concern is necessary.

I nodded and said "yeah, I am okay!"

I then went inside Cally's room and saw her still sleeping. I didn't leave her room, I couldn't.

After almost losing her for the second time, I was feeling too scared to leave her for even a second.

After some hours, Cally woke up and I was staring at her.

She was asleep for four hours and all this time I kept looking at her, praying that she would get up soon.

I helped her sit and then she said in her weak voice "Damien are you okay? What happened I thought I woke up and then suddenly i had breathlessness and was about to die..wh-what..."

I cupped her cute face with my hands and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

I said "Everything is fine. I am okay, you are okay, that's all that matters right now"

Then I told her that uncle and Mike are dead and that she killed them. I also told her how Veronica is in jail for all her wrongdoings and won't be out for a very long time. She was too shocked the way I was.

All this time, she was biting her lip. Even in a serious situation I wanted to kiss her so badly. But then I thought No, she is not well, I should not do this. 

How can she make me feel like this ? Like a stupid moron but I only wanted to be her moron.

She was really upset. I hate seeing her sad, so to cheer her mood I said "You do remember that you said yes to me right? For becoming Mrs. Knight i mean?"

She blushed hearing me say that but also furiously said "I want a proper proposal outside this bed with a proper ring and she pouted. We did not even kiss she said.

" Excuse me miss first you get out of here, I am not gonna stop kissing you then I  gave her a chaste kiss at the corner of her pouty lips and ran away to call the doctors."

The doctors entered and told us that Cally was safe but she had to be in hospital for monitoring purposes for a few weeks and then she was free to go. 



Cally's Pov: I can't believe it's been almost 4 weeks since I nearly died. My life has been perfect since then, Damien has not stopped taking care of me even for a second since I got discharged from the hospital. He only lefty when he had to go for an important meeting but left Marie with me at all times. I had to quit my job at the cafe due to my accident but Damien was supportive and said he would help me open my own cafe once they got married. 

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