The Awakening

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Damien's Pov: I was sleeping very peacefully by keeping my head on cally's hospital  bed and  holding her hand.
In my dream I could hear Cally laughing and I  smiling. We were strolling on a beach holding hands together and I was shouting out to her to be careful.
But it seemed she was not hearing me as she suddenly ran into the sea and started fading from my eyes and that's when I shouted
" Cally " and suddenly I woke up from my sleep.

I was relieved that Cally was near me and did not go anywhere so I kissed her on her head and started talking to her telling her about my day etc.

But I don't know suddenly what happened cally's monitor started beeping very loudly and she started shaking on her bed. I got so scared I did not know what to do I tried calming her down but when I saw her condition deteriorating I immediately shouted for the doctor.

The doctor asked me what happened and I told him I did not know then the doctor wore the  stethoscope on his neck  and checked cally's heart.
He told the nurse to hurry up and prepare an anesthetic injection.

Taking the injection from the nurse the doctor injected it in cally's vein.

I got so scared I thought I was gonna lose her that's when the doctor told me to leave her room and let the patient rest.
But I was adamant so I said " No" angrily and that  I will not leave her  alone.

I will stay with her no matter what. Seeing my angered state the doctor did not fight with me but told me that Cally had a minor seizure that is what caused her to convulse but they were able to calm down her situation.
He warned me that if these convulses increases it could be fatal and Cally could die. So just pray that she recovers soon.

Hearing him out I started crying and once the doctor left I took my original place and held cally's hand and told her she could not do this to me and that I won't be able to live without her.  Please come back I kept on crying and after a long time of crying my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep on the chair keeping my head on her bed.

I was sleeping when I felt someone touching my hair. At first I thought I was dreaming but when  I opened my eyes I saw Cally but the odd thing was Cally was not on her bed rather she was standing in front of me and stroking my head  in white clothes.
I pinched myself and thought I was dreaming.

Cally started laughing and told me I was not dreaming but when I looked at the hospital bed I saw Cally lying there asleep.
I got scared and confused at the same time cause if Cally was on the bed then who was I talking to.

When I looked up again I saw Cally but she was giving me a sad smile saying not to be scared as she was cally's soul and the only reason she came  was to talk to him and  to give him a good news as well as a bad news.
She also asked me which one I wanted to hear first.
I told her to tell me the bad news first so
she said that Cally won't want to come near me for a while and might be a scared even  for a long while.
  I got confused and told her to elaborate more but she said she did not have time and told me as  for the good news Cally is going to  wake up anytime soon today so don't leave her side even when she tries to push me  away. Have a little faith on your love she said to me  and with that she vanished.

After she vanished I woke up with a jerk and thought to myself was this all a dream or was I really talking to cally's soul.
What is happening to me I think I am going mad.

So I decided to go out and get myself a coffee not before kissing cally's head.

Cally's Pov: "Beep" "Beep" what is this annoying voice I thought to myself.

I tried opening up my eyes and did so with a lot of difficulty.
The first thought that came to my mind was "where am I" and "what happened to me?"

I looked around and presumed I was in a hospital.

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