Clash of Brothers.

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Damien's Pov:  I was so gotten angry at my brother that I did not know what to do. I had reached his office since 10 minutes but I did not have the courage to go up because if

I did I knew I would  punch his face the minute I see him. But some things needed to be done quickly like ripping off a bandid.

So I moved out of my car angrily and moved into his office not greeting anyone I was this angry.

On reaching his room I saw he was in a meeting but i did not care so I moved inside without knocking and started shouting at him.

"What the hell Liam"
"who do you think you are to destroy my life"

My brother looked at me and hearing my shouts my brother's clients were looking at me like I have grown 2 heads. But I did not care i wanted them gone so I could beat the hell out of my brother.

Liam said to his clients" I am sorry gentlemen for the inconvenience" but we will have to postpone this meeting and I will reschedule and let you know ok.
Hearing him out his clients left leaving me and liam alone just like I wanted.

But see the heights of my brother he smirked at me buttoned up his shirt and sat at his chair like nothing ever happened.

Seeing him so relaxed like nothing happened I got more angry and shouted at him banging my fists at his table.

"What you did was extremely wrong and you just crossed the line brother. You don't know what I can do for my Cally if it  meant disowning my own brother then I will.

Hearing me say this liam got up from his chair  and stalked towards me calmly and put a hand on my shoulder saying " oh common brother I did not do anything"

That bitch did not deserve you anyway she is making you into a softie besides he himself did not know she would get this scared of me of falling into coma.

But to think about it she deserved it anyway, he said to me. People like her don't belong to our world brother she is nothing but trash.

Hearing him say this and  bad mouthing about cally I could not control myself so I closed my fists trying to control my anger and grabbed my brother by his neck and pushed him towards the wall.

Once I knew he could not go out of my grasp I shouted at him angrily" Don't you dare talk shit about my Cally. I want to punch you soo bad but seeing that you are my brother I  will spare you but if I hear you one more time bad mouthing my girl, brother or not  I  will not hesitate to kill you.

With that being said I banged my brother's head on the wall and told him not to contact me ever again as I was cutting all my ties with him.

My brother hissed in pain and grabbed onto his head where I banged him and just as I was about to leave he said to me, go away pussy I also don't want a brother like you who leaves family just for a slut woman who would not even wake up. He further poked me by saying that he wished that the girl oh what's her name oh ya, Cally dies so that atleast I  come back to my senses and raise my standards, As that bitch Cally was only making me a pussy and a coward and a home destroyer.

He further added by saying that how could  I ever remain happy with a girl who broke her boyfriends house before entering the family even.

Liam spat at me and told me I did not deserve to be with a girl like cally.

Hearing him out I stalked towards my brother with a fake smile on my face. At first my brother thought I had realised my mistake and had come to apologise but what he did not know is he poked the wrong person.

When I was just about 2 steps away from him I punched my brother making him stagger back.
He said to me " youu." And tried to punch me back but I dodged him on time moving aside.
Coming towards him I kept on punching him badly cause I could only see red that time.

"A Smile That Changed His Life"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ