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Damien's Pov : " I wanted to give my angel a surprise by coming early tonight", God only knows How I completed my meeting in a rush and ran to the airport telling my pilot to take me back home to my "sweet Angel"

The pilot  obeyed and off we took up in the air. I knew Cally missed me terribly, I could make out from the video calls we did.

However, I don't know there was a sinking feeling in my heart that something was not right, like something bad had happened. 

No matter how much I tried I was not able to taking that feeling out. I knew that my feelings of worry would not diminish by seeing my angel's shocked face. 

I vowed to never leave her alone ever again.

Soon, the pilot told me that we were about to land, so I put my seatbelt on and waited for landing.

On landing, I called my driver and he came to pick me up taking me home.

When I reached home, what I saw had my hands shaking and body to tremble.

My house was totally shattered with broken window panes, smoke coming out blood stains on the floor and the police jeeps gathered outside my house trying to take neighbors verdicts.

My house looked like a crime scene with yellow tape sealed around it, I did not realize tears had started coming out of my eyes and I was just praying Cally to be safe and I fell down on my knees begging and praying. 

I wiped my tears and stood up on my wobbly knees tried to go inside the house.

"Wo- oo  Sir wait, a police officer stopped me putting a hand on my chest, you can't go in there. The police officer told me.

"Noo, you don't understand my girlfriend is inside. what if something happened to her?" i tried pushing the officer and going inside screaming "Cally- Cally love can you hear me, where are you?

"Sir, i am going to request you to step back, otherwise I am going to have to arrest you." The officer told me.

"Don't you understand, she is in there somewhere and probably hurt, you should be helping me." i told the police officers.

"Sir, I need you to calm down and let us do our job." He told me and then instructed his other partners to go and check inside.

The other police officer went inside searching for my love. He came back 15 minutes later informing that there was nobody inside. 

Hearing those words, I became furious and started shouting, "What do you mean?" she has to be inside I saw the blood stains, pleas-ee let me go inside i broke down in front of them. 

The officers seeing my condition agreed and told me I could go but they would also come along with me.

I Went inside and kept searching for Cally around the corridors and checked every room but there was no sign of her.

"Cally?" My voice echoed through the dark corridors.

"Sir, you got ta go now." She must be not in the house and somewhere else. The police officers told me as they followed me. I frantically searched all the rooms again for any sign of Cally.

"No I am not letting her go. I stopped at the dead end of the hallway, She must be here somewhere officer you got to sea-" The main officer out of the two cut me off by yelling loudly in my face "SIR YOU ARE GOING CRAZY!"

My eyes shot up to his as I inhaled and exhaled furiously as my chest heaved.

"NO I AM NOT OK. I LOVE HER ALRIGHT AND SHE IS PROBABLY HURT RIGHT NOW SO I CANNOT LEAVE HER ALONE! I  AM GOING TO FIND HER AND KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!" I shouted at them before turning my face away, as we stood in silence for a long while.

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