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Ps. The above pic is of Cally.

Cally's Pov: Hi my name is Cally  but you can call me "Cal".

I am 23 years old and I live in New York alone at present  with my adopted  family living there nearby .


Before I tell you my story and about  how my adoptive parents came into the picture, you must know that - Once upon a time  just like any other caring  family, I had a perfect family with loving  parents and siblings.

We were and still are the  three musketeers, me being in the middle with an age gap of 5 years each.

Everything was going perfectly until that dreadful day...


"Mommy! Mommy!"  I want to go to the zoo.

Sweetheart, Mommy has to work today, what if Martha takes you and your brother and sister to the zoo?

"Will that be ok?"

"Martha - Martha," my mom called our baby sitter Aunt.

"Yes ma'am," What can I do for you? she asked my mom.

Martha can you please take the kids to the zoo today and please keep your phone on at all times alright.

"Yes ma'am," she said and my mom  gave her some money for the snacks  to take with us for  the zoo.

"Noooo" , I started crying hysterically, I want to go with you today.

"Sweetheart please don't cry baby" , she said to  me and picked me up in her lap.

"Mommy loves you. You know that right."

She has to go today but will come back real soon and then we will all party together what say? She said to me kissing my forehead.

"I said yess, and started clapping my hands" 

Then it's decided let me just go and finish this meeting with daddy and we will be back real soon ok, She said kissing my forehead again.

"Babe!!" We are getting late for the meeting, my dad entered holding his tie in his hands.

"Daddy I shouted and ran into his arms."

He caught me immediately dropping his tie on the table and said "Hello my beautiful princess" How are you doing today?

I giggled and said ," Daddy you know I am going to the zoo with big sis and bro today."

"Oh Wow," he said and who are you going with? He asked me.

"Mommy said we will be going with Aunt Martha."

"Be a good girl and don't trouble Marta ok." My dad said to me and then put me back on the floor.

He then took his tie  from the table and went towards mom.

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