"This one is confidential... " i breathe

"But I scrolled through the Lyrics they are really emotional like you wrote your feelings down, you should sing it for the Charity event... " my brows furrowed in anger.

"I'm not singing this at the Charity... " I growled

"But... "

"I said I'm not doing it OK Rebecca... " I said as she nods.

"You Remind me of my Foster Brother.... " I arched a brow.

"Foster??? " I voiced out

"I was adopted by my foster parents, me and my brother were adopted actually he never actually wasn't open with his feelings, he never liked me so I went crazy dating guys blowing off my studies while he graduated, got married and owned a solid business in Chicago, I'm only doing this charity because whenever I see all those orphans it reminds me of how Lucky I was to be adopted... " She Slouched back into the couch, I stride towards her and sat next to her.

"What about your Foster Parents?? " I asked

"They're Dead...they both Died a few years ago, after they died my whole world came crashing down I never did anything but rebel against them and caused them pain, so I thought throwing this charity event might make up for my past... "

"What about Your Boyfriend.... " I asked

"We Broke up Last Week, he said I was selfish and self absorbed and I was cheating on him and generally I was busy with this Charity event maybe I'm selfish... " that explains why she yell at me earlier

"You're not Selfish.. You are kind amazing and a nice person and he was dumb to break up with you....." she shot me a smile and I'm just realizing that we were breath apart.

"Thanks.... " she said as we both stared at each other, she leaned closer Locking her lips with mine in a Kiss, her hands traced up to my hair tangling her fingers in the locks of my hair, inadvertently my hands traced down her waistline, I pushed her down on the couch dominating her, I gently nibble on her lower lip as she grants me entrance and I deepen the kiss, her fingers yanked my buttons one by one and my fingers traced under her top.
"Liam the Door was open so I... Holy cow.. " I jerked off Becca on seeing Sylvia who held takeovers.

"I Have to go.. The Charity won't organise itself.. " she said thrusting down her skirt and top while I buttoned up my shirt.

"it's okay... " I said as she nods and hint of red were still radiating on her cheeks, she looks back.

"I hope you sing that song at the Charity it will mean a Lot.. " Becca said dashing out of the music room.

I hissed under my breath what the Fuck was I thinking.
"Thank you, You just saved me from getting Fired... " Cindy praised exchanging her files with me

"Whatever is Ben around?? " I asked

"I'm not sure maybe you can check... " I nodded heading to Ben's office I just remembered that I need to invite him for the Charity Tommorow I know he's going to say no but what's the harm in trying.

I knocked but I didn't get a reply so I let myself in anyways slamming the door behind me, Ben was no where to be found, I pranced around his office and sat down on his Chair.

"Maybe he's at his Apartment... "  I muttered to myself, my eyes darted to the Desk Drawer, the last time I was here Ben planned a trip to New York for me and I remembered it has something to do with Amira.

I tried to open the desk drawer but Shit it's Locked.

"What are you Doing in here...?? " My heart skipped and I tried to remain calm on seeing Daxton.

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