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Y/N's Point Of View.

I immediately ran to Zen's house and didn't care about the people looking at me as I run.

"That's Y/N running! Y/N can I get an autograph!" A fan started chasing me.

"I forgot to put on my glasses and my hood!" I cursed at myself and went to the other direction. I went to a dark alley and fixed myself and waited for my fan to ran pass me. I walked at fast speed and reached Zen's house.

I rang the doorbell but Zen didn't answered. So I shouted.

"Zen! It's me Y/N!" I shouted at the side of the door. "Oh wait...I forgot he was at practice! So...this news was real?". I asked myself until I heard the door opened.

Zen looked horrifying even if he has good looks. He was terrified as if he saw the most largest cat ever. I guess I can say he also saw the news.

I gave him a tight hug and tried to calm him down. I suck at comforting sometimes so I don't know how to comfort Zen or the others.

"What am I gonna do...?" Zen asked. His voice was cracked filled with hurt and despair. "I didn't even do that to her haha...".

"I know we can fix it! We just need to tell them that all of Echo Girl said is not true!" I said.

"Echo Girl is more famous...I don't know if they will believe us" He said.

"Don't give up!" I grabbed both of his shoulders. "I know hard things have been happening to us and the others but we can escape from this...!"

"I'll trust you..." Zen said while he played with my hair. It soothes him to be honest. "You can come in, your forehead is sweaty" He said.

He grabbed a towel and patted it on my forehead. "Did you ran all the way here just to help me?" He asked.

"Of course idiot! Do you think I would just ignore that news and let you get depressed from that?" I said and smacked his head...which probably didn't help him calm down.

"Hehe...thank you" He said as he sat on his bed. "I'm glad to have a friend like you" Did I feel happy or hurt the way he said he was glad that i'm his friend?

Well, I do like Zen a lot...not as a friendly way but somehow, a romantic way but that isn't the issue right now! I'm suppose to help him!

"I'll stay here for a while until you feel better, we can also talk about how to tell the whole world that the news is fake." I said and sat beside him.

I opened my phone and entered the chat room. "Hey...the others knew what happened too...".

-Y/N entered the chat room-

Yoosung☆: Y/N!

Yoosung☆: Did you
saw the news just now!?

Y/N: Yeah...I'm here with
Zen right now.

Yoosung☆: OMG;; I
can't believe Echo
Girl would say that!

707: Don't worry! I
got this!

Y/N: Echo Girl has
taken over the social
such a scum...!

707: She does have
the social media in
her hands...but we
can do something!

Yoosung☆: What
do you mean???

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