Y/N's Performance

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Y/N's Point Of View

Today is finally the day I perform! As much as excited I am right now, I got super nervous that Zen was coming to see it. Now I can't make a mistake or I will embarrass myself in front of the audience especially Zen!

Hensley texted me that the designer finished making my dress. I went with her to the shop and looked at the clothes I will wear.

My performance dress was super comfortable so I can dance freely.

"Dang you are slaying it Y/N!" Hensley said clapping her hands. "You almost look like a famous person, last thing is your makeup!" She added.

"I know a good makeup artist, she's nearby, just turn right and you can find a shop named Beauty Artist" The designer said while checking me if the dress is good enough.

"Thank you! C'mon Y/N!" Hensley grabbed my hand and dashed away. Of course, we already paid the dress.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The makeup designer said.

Hensley took my dress and showed it to her. "Please make her makeup the same color as her dress later! We will pay double if you come to GYD early! At 1:00 p.m. sharp! Thank you!" She pulled me again out of the shop.

"Hensley calm down! Where are we going now!?" I said losing my energy at running so fast. Who knew Hensley is so fast at running?

We went to GYD Entertainment and saw the stage filled with my favorite decorations.

"Go and practice okay!? I'll take care of everything, I also hired a lot of guards just in case someone tries to sabotage the performance!" Hensley said and left me.

I went to the practice and practiced hard enough to make it perfect. The time was already 12:21. Hensley barged in the room and pulled me to get ready.

"You're like my manager...god" I said and grumbled at Hensley.

"I want this to be perfect! I wanted to show those dancers that my Y/N can perform herself!" Hensley smiled.

I peeked in the audience and saw Zen with the other RFA members. Oh god, all of them are here to watch me!

We waited until the time was 1:00 and the makeup artist came and started putting some makeup on my face.

As soon as it was finished. Hensley gaped at me. Her smile might means she loved my dress.

"I'm so nervous and excited at the same time!" I said, my hands are shaking.

Again, we waited for the time to reach 2:00. I went to the stage and position myself. The lights opened and I heard so many cheers and screams.

The music started and I started singing and dancing. I mastered everything and I felt so confident showing my talents to everyone. It felt like my dreams come true. Finally going up on the stage and perform.

The ending was my favorite part when the camera zoomed in my face as I smirked at the audience. I felt almost deaf when so many screams and cheers came from the audience. I smiled and bowed saying thanks to all of them. I caught a glimpse of Zen's face and I felt like blushing. I went to the backstage and Hensley squealed as she hugged me tightly.

"That was so the best!" Hensley said. "I knew you would ace this!"

"Thanks to your support Hensley, I finally got my dreams come true" I said while crying and hugging her tightly as well.

"Y/N, you did so great!" Ms. Ashlie said while clapping her hands. "You might have so many fans now eh?"

"Hehe...I might have some fans" I said.

After the performance, I was so tired that I collapsed on someone. To be honest, I was glad it was Zen and not another person or I'll be so embarrassed.

"Y/N! You almost scared me!" Zen said and held me in his arms. "You did so great! I'm really proud of you!". He started hugging me tightly. I feel like my bones will crack if people keep hugging me tightly...!

"Thanks" I said and hugged him back "I'm tired...carry me back to my house please" I said and gave him my puppy doll eyes that he couldn't resist.

"Alright" He said and carried me. He made it to my house and put me on the couch. "Do you need anything?"

"I just want to rest" I said and snuggled on my pillow. I saw Zen pouting suddenly like he was the one who needs something.

"What?" I asked and suddenly out of nowhere, he sat on the couch and rest my head on his lap. His hand playing with my hair.

"Nothing, just seeing you snuggled up with that pillow is cute" He said. I felt my cheeks burning up. I playfully punched his arm and he started laughing. "Jeez! You get really mad so easily when I tease you!" He said.

I crossed my arms and looked away like some Tsundere I am. He laughed while I started glaring at him.

"I still remember you being such a Tsundere when we were little" He said.

"Shut up!" I said and smacked his face with a pillow. He was struggling to get the pillow off him until he grabbed my stomach and started tickling me.

Both of us suddenly got tired. Zen dozed off first collapsing at the couch. Then next, I started to collapse as well.

Some time later, I woke up from the noise on the door. Looks like someone is here. I woke Zen up just to make sure there are no misunderstandings. I went to the door and opened it.

My eyes widen when I saw my visitor in front of me. She was not in a good mood and she was glaring at me. Zen came to see what's taking so long and also came speechless. That made the visitor more angrier when she saw the sleepiness on Zen and I's face. She knew we were sleeping together.

"I can't believe you're with her Zen! I can't believe you skipped practice!" Echo Girl said. Her face looked like a tomato about to explode.

"Kyungju!" Zen said. "I told the director i'm not coming!"

"Don't call me by my real name!" Echo Girl barked at him. "You didn't come because you wanted to be with her!" Echo Girl faced me with a sweet toxic grin.

"Hello Y/N, I'm Kyungju Choi also known as Echo Girl, I'm the one who sent you those messages to leave Zen alone".

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