New Role

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Y/N's Point Of View

"Erm...I'm not really familiar with these food..." I said looking for something that will caught my eye.

"I'll have some steak and wine please, the one that I always order here thank you very much" Jumin said without looking at the menu. His eyes landed at me waiting for my order.

"I'll just have the same...but change the wine to water" I said.

Jumin nodded and told the waiter my same order. The waiter bowed to us and left the table. After he left, there was an extreme awkward silence for the both of us. I don't like awkward silences so I broke it.

"So Jumin...why do you want me to have dinner with you?" I asked.

"After our talk on the restaurant we accidentally bumped to each other, it makes me want to know you more" He said "So I let Seven searched for your director's number and texted her that I invited you to dinner but it seems like something to explain?" He looked concerned by the looks of it. How nice, one of the RFA members are worried for me.

I explained to Jumin about my first disastrous performance, how Zen and Seven saved me from getting tied up, and in the hospital. It was good to have a great listener but bad when he was staring directly at me.

After the full explanation, our orders arrived and both of us started eating. It was fun and weird knowing Jumin. He was always called trust fund kid, jerk and cat lady from Zen and Seven. A very obsessive cat lover despite the blurry pictures he showed me and he doesn't eat commoner food. He and his father have a good relationship and half bad because of how many girlfriends or mistresses his father has and other stuff.

We finished eating and it was time for me to go home so as Jumin because he needs to feed his Elizabeth 3rd.

"I'll take you home, where do you live?" Jumin said and offered me to go inside the car.

"Oh thank you and I live in ######" I said and got inside the car. Jumin also got in and Driver Kim started his engine and drove to my place.

When he reached my house, I got off the car and thanked the driver then I focused on Jumin "Thanks Jumin for the dinner, it's nice knowing you more about your life, have a good evening" I gave him a smile and went inside my house. I plopped in my bed and checked the messages that has been appearing on my phone.


Y/N!!! You can't believe
what happened to me

Sounds like you're excited
about it, what happened?

I just got a new role!!!

  Wow! Congrats Zen!

But...I think I will have
no time hanging out with
you this day...I'll be busy
because I need to memorize
my lines and have meetings

Oh it's alright! But does this
mean that our meetings will be

I don't want to cancel it...but
I guess so...

Okay, good luck! You
can do it Zenny!

Thanks for your cheer babe~


The last message made my heart flutter. I just hope he isn't really that busy. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some ice cream because I am going to have an anime marathon!

-Next Day-

I groaned as I got up from my bed, my back aching and eyes droopy. I might've have finished 3 seasons and 1 movie of anime but I'm proud of myself doing that! I rubbed my eyes and heard my phone buzzed. I looked at the message


Hey, this is Y/N L/N?

Uh yes?

Good, listen to me

Do you need something?

No, all I want for you
to do for me is to STAY

...what? why?

If you don't do as I wanted,
I can make your little cute
friendship with him break.
Okay? Or are you blind and
you want me to spat it in
your face? that you?

Who the hell is Clara?
Sounds like an angel lol
but no I am not Clara

Then who are you?!

It's me, Echo Girl~


Don't tell me you don't
know who am I!? I am the
most famous star on the
internet! And I'm gonna
take Zen's heart and make
him loooove me~ so do as I
say or you're out! Ciao~


The situation I am right now made me went super emotional. Tears are automatically on my eyes. What have I gotten myself into? If that Echo girl is really famous, will she blackmail me or embarrass me on the whole internet?! Goodness...what am I gonna do? Should I ignore Zen or stay away from him from now on? If I do that, it will break his heart...and I can't even tell him that because it might cause more trouble.

Ms. Ashlie just texted me to come to work since I have been given some time to rest myself. I depressingly do my routine, get my bag and go to my work. I was assigned as the new leader of the company. So meaning, I'll be busy teaching the whole dancers and teach the newcomers.

"Ms. Y/N, you seem so off today, are you alright?" Hensley gently placed her hand on my shoulder "You can rest more if you still feel sick"

I smiled "It's nothing Hensley, I just woke up and feel drowsy, now go back practicing with the others and I'll come" I said. She went back to her group and smiled reassuringly at me.

After work, I decided to eat lunch on my home, I don't have the appetite to eat at my favorite cafe but as soon as I passed it, a white-haired figure was there with its phone. It saw me and went outside to approach me with a big smile on its face.

"Zen" I said "I thought you have practice today?" He smiled at me.

"No practice today! I've been waiting for you in the cafe for minutes now! I also have time for us to hangout!" He said so happily that every piece of me is shattering with guilt.

I sighed not able to meet his eyes "I'm sorry Zen...I can't right now" I almost choked on my words that Zen looked at me worriedly. "I'm just not in the mood right now okay?" I turned my back and headed back to my house leaving him alone standing there probably watching me leave.

"I'm sorry Zen, but I don't want our reputation ruined when we keep doing this..."

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