A Catastrophe

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Y/N's Point Of View

Agh! My performance is coming! I still have 2 more hours to fix myself. I was really mad when the makeover artist came late and all of us has to wait for more minutes until it's our turn.

At last my makeup is already finished, the artist gave me a little bit of it and complimented me that I'm beautiful enough sending scowl and groans from everyone. I'm already dressed up for it and my hair is just the same. No hairstyles or anything. Clara was finished and she was so beautiful. Her eyes really give in with the purple and blue color and her hair was tied into a ponytail having highlights on it.

"Y/N, Do you feel nervous?" Clara asked grabbing my arm. I shook my head and smiled showing her i'm excited. Her reaction wasn't really happy and the grip tightens.

"Clara, maybe you are the one who feels nervous...can you please stop grabbing my arm tightly...?" But she didn't and her expression turned cold.

I suddenly felt dizzy and my sight was starting to blur. I heard Clara said something to the others and dragged me all the way to the attic...? Why is she dragging me there?

I looked at Clara's face and her face has an evil smirk. I tried to stop her but my body cannot move.

"Y/N, why don't you stay here for a while? So you can have rest until our performance comes" I heard her chuckling, my vision became black until I felt like I was tied up. "You took everything away from me Y/N, If I was chosen to be Zen's dance instructor then nothing will happen to you" She said and left when I heard the door shut.

"Ugh...I need to...go...back..." I tried moving but I felt weak. Then the flashback came back to me.

"Glad to see you again Y/N, here's some water so you can be hydrated"

I knew it! She put something there that was tasted different. Please do not be poison or anything that can lead me to death...

I can't resist the pain that I collapsed forgetting about my performance.

Zen's Point Of View

I immediately went to the place where Y/N's performance will be held because I had a bad feeling about this.

Earlier, I had a dream...that Y/N was tied somewhere and suffering. I tried texting her but no response that gave me more anxiety. Seven came with me to help me if Y/N was in trouble.

"Are you sure about it?" Seven said eating with his Honey Buddha Chips "Probably you got a nightmare?"

"I swear Seven! It felt so real" I said clutching my chest suddenly "If Y/N isn't on stage then hack into the CCTV room to see where she is.

"Alright doo doo!" He chirped and sat on a random seat near the backstage.

Only 5 minutes left and the performance will be starting. I took the farthest seat from anyone so they won't notice me and Seven.

The performance started and all of them appeared except for Y/N. We watched the half in case Y/N appears but it was obvious she's gone since everyone on the stage are having difficulty to change places.

Seven and I sneaked through the backstage and went to the CCTV room. Seven took his smelly sock and let the guard who was guarding the room sniffed it. He collapsed.

"Your feet must be really smelly" I looked at him with disgust. He turned into the computer and looked at every place. Still no sign of her.

Then he started hacking and saw one CCTV that was blocked with something. He turned to me "Here's a walkie-talkie, I'll tell you if you reach the place, the cloth was a little thin that I can see only bits there" He said.

I went to the places where a good hiding place can go. I sneak past the guards and saw one room that looks dark enough. I opened the door and opened the lights. Suddenly Seven's voice came. "There! Look at the right side and you can see the CCTV!"

I looked at my right side and saw the CCTV blocked with a black glove. I took it to see who's black glove is this and I can find the person who made Y/N disappear. I heard mumbling on the other side, it sounds like a girl...

I sneaked up and took a peak. I saw Y/N struggling to get free. I ran to her and untied her. "Don't worry Y/N, we need to get out of here or-"

"Hey! What are you doin-Zen!?" Ms. Ashlie was in front of us looking horrified. "What happened!?"

"Ma'am someone tied her in this room and the person who did this has a black glove..." I gave her the glove and her eyes widen. .

"B-But...no...no no no!" She cried "Why does it have to be her?!"

"It's...Clara...who-" Y/N coughed "did this..." She tried to get up but she can't and collapsed on me.

Ms. Ashlie faced the guard "Guard, tell the show is over and bring Clara to my office right now" Then she faced us "Thank you Zen...for saving her but we need to go to my office and talk about this" She wiped her eyes and left the room.

The nurses came to us and grabbed Y/N to take care of her. One of the nurses gasped.

"Get her to the hospital NOW! We need to get that poison off her or the poison will spread through her!" The nurse said. I gasped and followed but Ms. Ashlie grabbed my arm and pulled me to her office.

"I want explanations" Ms. Ashlie said, her tone was full of strict. Clara kept quiet and I can see her fists clinching.

I snapped when she was disrespecting her own manager "Just tell the damn truth! I will not forgive you for doing that to my friend!" I shouted.

Clara jumped and looked at me with fear and sadness "Zen...I..." She hesitated "I...was jealous...when Y/N got the job...for being Zen's dance instructor...I decided to put...almost poison at her so she can...never show up on the performance..."

Ms. Ashlie slammed her desk "Do you know that the performance ruined our reputation just because of that!? I almost felt embarrassed when Zen's director went to me and asked what happened to all of you! I have no choice but to fire you Clara Sanchez!"

"N-No! Ma'am please don't kick me out of the group!" Clara burst into tears "I didn't mean to do it I swear!"

"I don't believe you at all" I said coldly and I never believed her at all.

Clara looked at me with pleading eyes "Zen please! I just wanted to be close to you because I'm a big fan! I didn't mean to do it on Y/N!" Her hands touched my arms tightly and kept shaking and will not stop if I won't believe her.

"Enough!" Ms. Ashlie barked "Guards, take her things and kick her out! I had enough getting chaos here!" The two guards took Clara and dragged her away to the room.

Ms. Ashlie sighed with exasperation "I'm sorry if I caused a scene Zen, I'm just mad that one of my greatest dancers turned out like this" She cupped her face with her hands "And I haven't told Y/N about this..."

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Jumin Han wants to have dinner with her this evening"

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