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3rd Person's Point Of View

Zen watched Y/N walk away from him without telling what's going on. What really bothered him the most is that Y/N was avoiding eye contact with him. Apparently, every time that Y/N has a problem, she would still keep an eye contact with him but now, nope.

Y/N locked her front door and leaned on it forming new tears. She couldn't stand it, she wanted to hangout with him but some stupid buffoon famous girl kept them away. She wanted to restart her life but she can't.

Her phone buzzed and she took it to see Jumin calling her. She pressed the green icon and put her phone next to her ear.

"Hello?" Y/N said.

"Hello Y/N, this is Jumin speaking, I was wondering if you can join me and Elizabeth 3rd walk around in my private garden, I'd like you to see the roses here" Jumin said.

Y/N smiled. At least I can have time to hangout with Jumin. Maybe I can tell him about my problems...?

"Sure I'll come" She said.

"Good, Driver Kim will come there and get you, I'll be waiting for you" He said and hang up.

Y/N took 10 minutes to change, she dressed up with her favorite clothes and favorite colored shoes. She took her purse and saw Driver Kim on the front waiting for her. She went inside the car and comfortably looked on the window while Driver Kim drives.

Y/N arrived and saw Jumin waiting for her with Elizabeth 3rd in his arms licking her paw. She smiled when she saw Elizabeth "How adorable" She caressed her hand on Elizabeth's forehead and she can hear her purr.

"I see Elizabeth the 3rd has already taken a like from you" Jumin smiled. He led Y/N to his private garden.

"Wow...this place is beautiful..." Y/N said utterly shock and touched the roses without a prick on her fingers.

The view was amazing for Jumin, seeing Y/N fix her hair while she stared lovingly at the rose. Elizabeth was running around chasing the butterflies.

Jumin pick a rose and handed it to Y/N who looked shocked "This is for you Y/N, you seem to love roses, i'll let you have one as a gift" He said. Y/N took it and smiled.

"Thank you Jumin, I can't wait to plant this to my house" Y/N said. "But I'm wondering...shouldn't you be working right now...? Jaehee told me you skipped work" She asked.

"I just wanted to show you my garden and these roses...they're are beautiful" When Jumin said beautiful, he looked at Y/N, staring at her eye color eyes.

"Jumin..." Y/N's voice cracked "Don't tell me you have feelings for me...?"

Jumin froze unable to speak, was he that obvious? He sighed "Apparently, I guess so...but I won't force you to love me back...I know that you love Zen" Y/N's eyes wide when he said that. Now was she obvious that she likes Zen?

"H-How did you know...?" Y/N asked.

"Zen always keep talking about you on the chat room which you don't look at all, He said about kissing you in the cheek, having your hangout completely forgetting that you're there" He said then continued "But as much as Zen and I don't get along very well, I will not take his love away and be a bad person"

That leads Y/N shock. She never knew Jumin suppress his feelings when the others say that he doesn't have emotions and a complete robot. Both of them talked for awhile until it was getting dark. Jumin carried Elizabeth the 3rd.

"Again, thanks Jumin for this rose" Y/N said and took something from her purse revealing a tiny little necklace with real diamonds for Elizabeth 3rd. "Someone gave me this special necklace, I would love to give it a gift for Elizabeth" Y/N gently put the necklace at Elizabeth's neck admiring the necklace. Jumin smiled.

"I'm sure Elizabeth appreciates it, but I have a question. If the person is special to you, why did you give it to Elizabeth?" He asked.

"That person betrayed me" Y/N sighed "And they forgot the necklace they gave to me so I decided to give it to her" Y/N said.

"I see...then I hope you'll be safe. I apologize that Driver Kim can't drive you back home" Jumin said.

Both of them said their goodbyes, Y/N walked through the street still have the rose that Jumin gave her on her hand. She smiled at it and went back home.

Little do they know that someone was watching the whole time. His fists was clenched and he bit his lip so hard that it might've bleed. He glared at Jumin who watched her leave and went back inside with Elizabeth in his arms. He then looked at Y/N who was staring lovingly at the rose she was holding. Do those two have been keeping something like a secret? Don't tell me they're dating!?

He howled and punched the wall next to him causing his hand to bleed a little. "Next time Jumin, if I see you with her again, I will not forgive you for taking her away from me!"

He cannot control his jealousy, he went back to his house angrily and skipped dinner, not really like him. He took his phone and started messaging Y/N.


Y/N, are you there? you
need something?

Why are you with
Jumin earlier!?


Answer me!

It's none of your business...
he just invited me to hangout

Oh yeah right! With a
ROSE you have with you?!

What the, How did you know!?

I saw you two together
earlier! You guys must
have been secretly dating!

Zen are you insane!? I'm not
dating Jumin! That rose was
just a gift when we explored
his private garden!

Yeaaah that's why it's
called private

You're thinking nonsense
again! You better stop being
jealous just because I didn't
hangout with you this day!


The end of the conversation, Y/N was upset that Zen gets really envious if it comes to her being alone with a man. She wanted him to stop his jealousy and accept that she can also hangout with men. She plopped to her bed.

"Damn Zen, why you gotta be like this?"

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