Chapter 8

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The day's over. I stand opposite of my seventh-period classroom, at a window on the second floor of the Foreign Language building. My bag sits on the floor next to me, as I lean on the sill and look outside. Clumps of people move around, some moving toward the locker rooms, some toward the student parking lot, some across the street toward the dorms.

I would start heading home now, but I want to avoid the crowds. It's really annoying trying to walk past a group of six people on a narrow sidewalk. Twenty times.

I can't walk home with Amanda, since she lives in another direction, and walking alone with Betty still makes me uncomfortable. We can't seem to click. She probably constantly wonders why Amanda dragged me into this group.

I wish June didn't have a free sixth and seventh. Then we could still walk and talk with each other on our way home. Being a senior must be easy. It's going to suck when she graduates and goes to college next year.

Mr. Tzu startles me on his way out of the building. "You ok July?" he asks, in a thick Chinese accent.

"Oh! Um, yeah I'm fine. Sorry, I'm just... waiting for someone." I lie.

Thankfully he doesn't press into it. "Alright, just remember to leave the building before four o'clock. You don't have a sport or club right?"

"N-No. My friend is coming here from the uh, Arts Building. They'll be here soon."

"Ok. Well, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, you too."

Mr. Tzu's footsteps echo down the hall, turn the corner, and fly down the stairs, which fade away as I return to my thoughts.

I wonder how Aunty's current relationship is going to hold up. June and I are probably not going to see his face until next year. Actually, Aunty will probably start spending more nights away from our home and at his, if all goes well for her.

Similar circumstances have happened in the past, especially recently, when Aunty finally figured out she should hide our presence from any of her boyfriends. But it's fine. I can cook, clean, do everything, as long as Aunty remembers to give us money for groceries and whatnot.

Most people would probably see that as morally wrong or illegal. It probably is illegal. But I think it's important for Aunty to find someone to spend her time with and love, especially after June and I have left for college.

Speaking of college, I guess doing all this cooking and cleaning is good for developing my own independence when I inevitably leave the apartment.

Heh. It's kind of amusing how my home life differs from my school social life so much. I get along so well with Aunty and June, and yet have so much trouble talking with Amanda, Emily, Renn, and Betty. Even though we're supposed to be friends.

Well, I can talk with some of them one on one at least. Better than when we all are in a group and I get talked over. I talk the best with Amanda, since we've been talking the longest. She's the only one that knows about my living situation. About Mom, and Dad, and why I live with Aunty. Unless she told the others about it.

I mean, I'd be upset if she did, but it's going to have to come out eventually. She would probably do a better job at telling it than I would anyway.

My eyes go back into focus. Outside, the groups of people have disappeared. In the distance, I can see people lining up for cross country, but they shouldn't disturb me on my walk home. They'll usually run in the opposite direction, farther into the hills.

I stoop to pick my bag up from the ground. It's probably around time to head home anyway. The streets and sidewalks are probably clear of people.

"July? You're still here?"

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