Chapter 7

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I step out of the Arts building. People are filing around me, trying to get to their lunch spots and whatnot. I really hope they aren't paying attention to me. I'm probably wearing a weird expression.

But that doesn't matter as much. I got his name! And he didn't seem to mind as much when I asked for it too!

My heart is still beating pretty intensely. I'm definitely not a social person. Normal people wouldn't be this jittery a full half-hour after they ask someone for their name.

At least I have some news I can share with the rest of my friends now. I can tell them that I like someone-

Wait wait wait. What am I saying? I literally found out about Kyle's existence yesterday. I don't like him. I just met him. I met a new person today!

Can't say that either. It's two months into the school year. I should've known his name by now.

Oh well. I guess I have to keep Kyle a secret. It's probably better. No point in talking about someone who only cares for my woodworking ability.

I continue walking down to the cafeteria. On the way, I pass by the Literature building, past the main courtyard. It's full of students, both happy and stressed at the same time. Golden autumn leaves fall from the trees, turning the rest of the courtyard golden as well.

How pretty.

After entering the cafeteria, I make my way to the stairs, quickly running up to the third floor. Amanda, Emily, Renn, and Betty all sit at our usual spot near the south side of the building, probably complaining about homework again. Amanda has a lunch from home: A prepackaged salad. Renn and Emily both are chewing on the school mac and cheese. Betty sits without eating.

I sit down beside them and wave hi. They wave hi back at me, without breaking their current conversation of complaining about the most recent math test.

Lunches are like that a lot. A lot of complaining. I personally don't have a problem with Algebra 2, or World Literature, or whatever. But I don't really tell them about how well I do in class. I don't want to be compared to them as the smarter one.

I pull the lunch I made for today out of my bag: chicken curry over rice.

"Ooh, did you make that today?"

I look up. Everyone is eyeing my lunch with jealousy. Betty looks ready to crawl over the table to ask for a bite.

"Yeah, I did," I say. "It took about thirty minutes."

Renn speaks up. "Can I have a bite? School mac n' cheese tastes terrible."

"Um, sure... here. Sorry if it tastes bad." I scoop a spoonful onto Renn's plate, and she immediately puts it into her mouth, squealing in delight.

"Wow, this is really good July!" Renn praises, licking her lips. I almost reply with "It's probably not that good," but I get interrupted by everyone else:

"Can I get a bite too?"

"It doesn't go well with the salad, but can I also try?"

"Betty doesn't have a plate. Betty requests that you share spoons, I suppose."

I look back at my curry and rice. I hope the disappointment isn't showing on my face. "Um... ok."

After spooning out half of my lunch, and receiving a spoonful of mac and cheese back from Emily, they resume talking. Renn and Amanda start discussing last night's episode of The Rift. Betty and Emily are snickering at Mr. Tzu making a suicide joke in Chinese class. I don't fit into either conversation. I mentally sigh again and continue eating my curry.

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