Chapter 2

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Sam kept telling himself he was just walking home and that coincidentally July was walking in the same direction. Which was what was actually happening, but Sam couldn't shake some strange sense of guilt.

Mathew's words rang in his head again. "She's a major slut. Stay away from her."

Why am I so interested in her anyway? I met her, like, today.

Ahead of him, he watched July pause briefly over the bridge, and slowed down. There was still a good distance between them, But Sam told himself not to pass her.

What if she sees me? Will she recognize me and accuse me of following her?

No that's stupid. A lot of students walk this way into Paynesti.

But when Sam got to the edge of the bridge, he stopped and stepped behind a lamppost, with the somewhat stupid idea that it would fully hide him. He pulled out his phone and started fiddling with his music app, partially pretending to be busy while sneaking glances up at July every few seconds.

I look like an idiot. And she's probably not going to notice me even if I pass her.

Finally deciding on some pop song from the past decade, Sam dropped his phone back into his pocket and stepped behind a group of talking sophomores, unintentionally using them to shield himself from view.

But when he passed the middle of the bridge, July wasn't there. Curiosity getting the better of him, Sam peeked over the sophomores' shoulders and saw July looking backwards.

In a panic, Sam ducked his head back down again.

She didn't see me right?

Trying to calm down, Sam reached into his pocket and turned up the music playing into his earbuds, and after a while he found himself humming to the catchy tune.

Dear God, thank you

Even if it's just destiny pulling a prank on me

I'm so glad of the fact that

We both had met

"Wanna go get a coffee?" The sophomore's loud voice pierced through Sam's headphones, causing him to look up.

"Eh, I'd prefer actual food instead."

"Starbucks sells food."

"Yeah but 7/11 sells cheaper food."

Sam stole a quick glance at the small group in front of him, but in the distance, he also caught July standing still and staring at the Starbucks across the street.

Sam slowed down, allowing the group to pull away.

"Fine, we'll go to 7/11 instead."

Trying to look as natural as possible while walking at a snail's pace, Sam continued to watch as July's gaze left the Starbucks and as she walked into Twire Park.

What? You don't even have a jacket on and you're going into the park? There's nothing in there except snow.

Sam stopped and watched July make her way around the park on one of the paths, which was clear of snow. She seemed to be heading to the very back of the park, which Sam found strange.

Did she want something? I wonder why she didn't go in and get anything then.

Sam caught himself. Looking around, there were a few students behind him that were about to pass him, but they all seemed to be focused on other things.

Why should I care so much about a slut? Interacting with her is going to do more harm than good.

But she doesn't act like a slut. Or at least not the ones in those TV dramas. This morning she looked like she wanted to be left alone.

Everything's Fine.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat