Chapter 51

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So he left some stupid giants to kill us. Big mistake. "How about we turn the tides," I said, smirking at my own joke.

"Reversio!" I shouted. One tried to freeze me, but it backfired and froze him. "Where'd you learn that?" Hermione asked.

"You pick up a few things from traveling. Percy! Go in! Kick some titan butt. Wingardium Leviousa!" I was raising the stupid giants club above his head and slapping him with it.

 Percy smiled gratefully. Percy, Annabeth and Thalia went inside. I glanced at Percy's dad. He was kicking some dracaena butt. He finished her off and caught me looking at him.

"I hope that was a monster I just killed." I nodded. "You're pretty kick butt for a mortal," I said. "Who are you anyway?"he asked. "Percy's cousin," I answered.

"Wow. So many new realatives. So our parent is?" I sighed. "Hades." I saw Hades glance at me. "Back!" I shouted at a laustrygonian giant who was running at Percy's mom.

The giant flew back and hit Nico's sword. "You go in. I have a feeling there gonna need you in there," he said. "Yes. We can take care of the army," Nico agreed. I nodded.

"C'mon Hermione," I said. She followed me into the Empire State Building. We went into the elevator and went up. The elevator dinged open.

I would have plummeted to my death if Hermione hadn't caught my arm. The bridge to Olympus was gone.


We created a magical bridge and walked across it. We walked down the pathway, seeing all the mansions smoldering. It was really sad seeing all the torn clothes and armor.

"Thalia!" I shouted running to her. A huge block of cement had landed on her. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just peachy." I rolled my eyes. "This might not work but... Wingardium Leviosa," I said. The rock lifted and moved over enough that we could get Thalia out.

Hermione pulled her out. "GAAAAHH!" I heard Kronos roar. "I have to get in there,"I said. "Go ahead. I'll take care of her," Hermione said. I ran toward the throne room. The door was gone, so I just went in.

I ducked behind destroyed throne, I think it was Artemis's. That made me mad. Artemis was my favorite goddess. I was considering joining the hunters. Boys seemed to love to mess with me.

"Aw, Sierra. Come to join the party?" Kronos asked suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I stood. "Maybe. Who's throwing it?" Kronos rolled his golden eyes.

"Are you sure you want to sass me? Your mom might have something to say about that." Bellatix smiled, crazily. She cackled. "Ew. You're laugh is even grosser than I remember."

Her eyes glinted with confusion then she went back to her crazy self.

"Sierra, I'm afraid it's to late for them-" Bellatrix gestured behind her, where Percy and Annabeth both were standing in the corner, unarmed "-but you, you can survive this. Join us. You'll become immortal." I rolled my eyes.

"Do I have to say it again? No! N-O! Spells no," I said. "Suit yourself." Kronos said. I glanced at Percy. He got the message.

"You know what? Is too late to take you up on that offer?" I asked. He looked surprised. "No. You'll have to prove it. You just said you wouldn't." I shrugged.

"Then I realized it was pointless. You're much too powerful for my pitiful cousin," I said, pouring in magic to charm him. It seemed to work, even Bellatrix seemed entranced in my words.

"I suppose it's too late for Luke, but I think I like Kronos better," I said, glancing at Percy and Annabeth who were sneaking along the corners of the room, trying to find Annabeth's knife.

"I suppose, when you take over Olympus the first thing to go will be ZEUS'S THRONE," I said, hoping Percy got the message. He and Annabeth crept toward the throne.

"No, the gods thrones will be molded together to make me a new throne on Mount Tam, where we will rain again!" I nodded.

"Of course. Unless..." I trailed off, seeing that Percy and Annabeth had their weapons again. "Unless what?" Kronos asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Unless my pitiful cousin is smart enough to understand this." Then Percy came running at Kronos. Annabeth attacked Ethan, I was left to go at my mother.

"You really think you can take me, child?" I glanced at Percy, who wasn't doing so well against Kronos. "I don't have time for this."

Grabbed out my sword and ran at her. Before she could say a spell, she was on the ground, her wand skidding away.

It made Ethan trip. "Stupefy!" I said. She froze. "Petrificus Totalus!" I smirked. "Not so powerful now, are ya?"

I turned just in time to duck below the swing of a blade.

A Witch And A Demigod: What Could Go Wrong (Sierra Lestrange Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now