Chapter 65

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I stared at the centaur. The satyrs trickled so liquid in his mouth. His eyes opened and I let out a sigh of relief. "What about Sierra?!" The satyrs shrugged. "Hey! There's another one over here!" a voice called from the woods. They went back in. They came back out with Sierra's body. I bit my lip.


Over the next day or two, I helped get the camp set up and running as it had before the war. Then came the time for me to go home with all the others.

Sierra hadn't been any better but they had caught something. She had the slightest signs. her heart was still beating no matter how slowly.

They said they'd try everything they could but not much had changed. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go home. It had been about a week and I needed to see my parents.

Annabeth accompanied me back to my house. I went inside and greeted my parents. We spent the day together and I managed to hide the fact that Sierra was dead. I couldn't tell them. At least, not yet.

Finally, night came and I went to my room. I pulled out Sierra's letter. I looked at it every night. Her sloppy cursive made me smile and feel as though she was still here. The letter read:

Dear Hermione,

If you are reading this note, I was right about the prophecy and I am gone. Wait, that is a very bad word as to describe it. Gone, no. Away, yes. I think that's a better way to describe it.

But I do not want you to be sad about it. I'm in my father's realm! I have power over the dead. I know you'll hope that there is something that can be done for me, but I doubt it.

But I am worried about you though. I don't want you to think I didn't try to think of another way out of this. I've tried as much as I could to stop a prophecy. But you can't changed the future once it's set.

I am worried that you will thinks you're fault. Don't. It was my decision and it was my own fault.

And before I leave this with you, I must tell you one last thing. You know that boy? Ron? I can tell you this: he likes you. I mean, likes likes you. Do you me a favor. Ask him out.

Don't try to deny that you like him, after all, you'd be just yelling at a paper. I see the way you look a him. Like Annabeth and Percy. You like him, even with his stupidity. I know, I fell in love with an idiot.

Sincerely, for the last time, Sierra Lestrange.

P.S. Will you please tell Heather that I'll be back in town soon? I'll bet the looks will be priceless!

I smiled at the last part. Of course, I did miss her a lot of the time. It was odd to think I'd never see her again.


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