Chapter 5

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We woke up early to get ready to go. "Okay. So, here is the plan," I said as we walked into the forest. "First we go to Harry's place, then Ron,and finally we go to New York. Sound right?" She nodded. We had been over the plan dozens of times the previous night.

We had already done the tearful goodbyes and all the packing. Now we were in the forest, about to leave. "Yeah. How're we gonna get there?" she asked. "Hold on to me. No matter what you do, don't let go," I said. "Wha-" she said grabbing on.

We ran at a tree's shadow. We were Shadow traveling. I'm pretty sure I heard Hermione scream. I ran out and we were in front of a house I assumed was Harry's. I lean against a tree, trying to regain some energy.

"Sierra? What's wrong?' Hermione asked. "Nothing, just Shadow traveling always wears me out.Just a second." I stood. "Okay, I'm good." We walked to the front door. Hermione knocked. A skinny boy with messy black hair, and green eyes came to the door. But there was that lightning bolt scar that made him famous. He looked vaguely like Percy.

"Harry?" Hermione said.He smiled. "Hey, Hermione!" Harry said, giving her a hug. "I got your owl. Why did you need to talk to me?" he asked and the looked at me."And who's she?" Hermione sighed."Can you come out?" He nodded.

He stepped out and we walked down the street. We stopped at a playground and sat down at a picnic table. "Okay, what's up?" he asked. Me and Hermione wearily gave eachother a look.

Then Hermione went into explaining everything. She went into explaining the greek gods, monsters and everything else except the demigod part." Umm, Wow, Mione. What led you to believe it? And what got you dragged into this? Who is she?" he said. Hermione looked at me. We had kinda planned this. " Okay. Guess it's my turn.I met Hermione last year. I think she told you about the lessons?" She nodded. " I'm Sierra Lestrange, daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange."

He looked shocked at me and his hand went to his pocket and a second later his wand was pointed at my chest. The next second I had knocked him down, his wand flow somewhere into the tall grassy area, with my sword at his throat. He looked terrified.

"Sierra!?!?" Hermione shouted. "What? I lash out when threatened," I said, my sword still at his throat."SIerra!" Hermione said. I put my sword away.

I went close to Harry. "You might be The Boy Who Lived, but you don't want to mess with a daughter of two of the most powerful people in the world," I whispered. We sat back down at the table, he still looked pretty scared. I smirked.

"Okay, Sierra continue,"Hermione said. I sighed. "Okay. Well, sometimes the gods or goddesses come down and have a child. These children are demigods. I am one. We all go to a special camp. We learn to fight there. We are going to war against Kronos. We need help. Would you be willing to help?" I said. He looked at Hermione.

"Are you really believing this?" he asked. We both groaned. "Fine. You don't want training to defeat Voldemort," I said. I knew I had struck a nerve. "Fine, but if this is a joke I am going to kill you both."

"Okay."Hermione said. I smiled. " So where are we going now?" Harry asked."Ron's house. We wanna see if we can't get Ron, Fred and George," Hermione answered.

"Okay." I looked at Harry. "Don't you have to ask your uncle?" I asked him. "No. He couldn't care less what I do," he said.

"Oh. Well, I've never really had anyone. I met my evil witch of a mother barly a year ago, if that makes you feel any better" I said. "Oh, I'm sorry." I nodded.

"Yeah, me too." I sighed.

Well at least it was easier to persuade him than I thought.

Now it was time to do the Weaslys'.


A Witch And A Demigod: What Could Go Wrong (Sierra Lestrange Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now