Chapter Twenty Four: Dad's Back

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Hermione's POV

"Mother?" I asked still in a state of shock.

"Yes Hermione my baby. Aw looked at you you've grown up so much," the woman kept hugging me.

"'Ello Mrs. Riddle my name is Fleur. Fleur Delacour." The woman pulled back and looked at Fleur, "aren't you a pretty young thing please call me Esme."

My mother pulled Fleur into a hug, "Master you are back." We all turned to the rat like man, "call the death eaters." My father said his red eyes boring into the rat man.

Before the rat man could do anything 20 people came out from the shadows, "there is no need for that my lord."


"Yes my lord," Malfoy bowed.

"We will be setting up our base in Black Manor tomorrow you are all to be there and if you are not I will find you and make the crusades curse look like a puppy."

All the death eaters ran away, "cowards." He turned to me, "my love are you sure it is her?" The man walked over and cupped my chest, "well I hope so cause otherwise Dumbledore will be killing another innocent kid."

My father's eyes widen then he growled, "Dumbledore tried to kill you!"

I nod, "yes and he kill Cedric already trying to kill me."

The red eyed man bought me into a hug, "I will protect you my little Hermione. My baby girl." He held me close to his chest and I felt comfort. Not the same as mother or Bella but still comfort.

"Father?" I looked up at him and he pulled back to looked down at me, "yes my child?" I turned to mother then back to him, "do... do you think you can break Bella out of Azkaban... please." He smiled, "I see your bond has grown to my firsthand woman." I blushed and he smiled, "of course I will break your destined out of Azkaban. What sort of father would I be if I didn't," he chuckled.

"Delacour. I need you to do something for my family and I," my father turned to Fleur. "Anything for 'Ermione sir," Fleur told my father who raised an eye brown. "I need you to take the cup back win this tournament and spread word of my return something dramatic and panic like," mother giggled.

"Hermione I hope you're not half as dramatic as your father," I blushed. "I can be when I want," I told her and she just kept laughing.

"Okay Sir but to let you know in future I take no orders from anyone but 'Ermione I am neither light or dark. I'm only loyal to 'Ermione, my mate and my family."

I smiled at the French Veela, "very well young Veela." Fleur walked over and grabbed the cup, "I will see you soon 'Ermione."

Fleur's POV

I got back in the winner circle and started to scream, "'e ezz back 'e ezz back Voldemort 'e ezz back!"

Everyone ran to me, "Fleur! What did you see?" Dumbledore asked and I kept yelling his back. "'E is back 'e rose from ze grave wizz a woman I saw it profzzor!"

Inside I was smiling.

"Where's Hermione?" Dumbledore asked and I just cried, "'e as 'er! 'E ezz going to kill 'er!" Ginny looked over to me and shook her head probably known I've been put up to this. "He won't kill his own daughter Miss. Delacour now please calm down," the old wizard said.

"I'll take it from here Dumbledore Fleur and I have grown quite close," Ginny said coming up to me and lead me away.

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