Chapter Eight: House Ring

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Hermione's POV

Ginny and I are walked into the dining hall for breakfast her in her third year and I in my fourth. "So you're going to try out for Quidditch?"

She nod, "yeah I love the sport and I know you don't like flying but your support would really mean the most to me all you have to do is watch." I smiled and nod to my bloodless sister.

"Of course Ginny I would love to watch you try out and you will get in you are really quick on your broom."

We sat at the table and the mail arrived, "so are you excited for the tournament?" I rolled my eyes, "Ginny I think it's barbaric." Ginny giggled, "I know just teasing. Ron is thinking about entering so are the rest of my brothers."

"Yeah I have potions with Ronald he wont shut up about Krum and Harry is even worse he keeps going on about a 'dark mark' in the sky at the quidditch world cup."

Ginny nod and suddenly a letter was dropped in my lap, "what is this?"

I opened the letter and inside was a ring and a note. I put the ring on and it fit perfectly then looked to the note,

"Dear Miss. Hermione Riddle,

I have a note for you from your destined that I swore if I ever got out I would send to you. Here it is:

My love,

Right now you have reached the age of 15 which mean you can now you can legally be courted. Your mother once told me to be patient but I was never one for patients. So please except my house ring and hopefully one day your father will break me out and I can see what you have grown into my love."

"Riddle? My last name is Granger?" I tried to get the ring off but it wouldn't budge. "Wait what the hell!" I yelled and tried to get the ring off with my wand but it wasn't working.

"What is going on here?" Professor Snape asked then he saw the ring on my ring finger. "It... it is you." He stared at me, "um professor can you help me get this off?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry but this ring does not come off you are officially being courted no one can take off that ring."

I looked up at my house head in shocked, "what's a house ring?" I asked and he looked at my ring finger. "A house ring is a ring that only belongs to nobble houses with pure blood. It is given to woman when the men begin counting them."

I looked up, "but I don't want a man to court me." I told my house head but he just sighed, "what house is it anyway?" I asked and he looked closer then smiled. "The noble House Black," my eyes widen.

"You mean Sirius Black? Gross I don't want to marry him," Snape chuckled quietly. "The only Black that hasn't be banished or Married off is Bellatrix Black."

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