Chapter Four: Parents

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Hermione's POV

I was sitting at the table with my mother and father while they looked through the letters. "Hermione Granger?" My father said and I looked to him.

He hands me a letter.

Dear Miss. Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress

My eyes widen as I looked up at my parents, "I've been excepted into a school?" There was a knock on the door.

My mother walked to the door then came back with an older woman. "Hello Mr and Mrs. Granger my name is Minerva McGonagall I was sent hear as soon as your daughter opened the letter."

My father stood up, "What is going on." He grunted as he does early in the mornings.

"Miss. Hermione Granger is a witch and has been excepted into a school for witchcraft. I have been told to come explain everything to you."

I looked up at the older woman with shock in my eyes. "A witch?" She smiled at me, "yes now let us move to the lounge so we can talk and I can explain." We all nod and got up abandoning our breakfast.


After Professor McGonagall explained magic and witch and everything I looked over to my parents. "So you're saying that we give you our daughter and you fix her?"

I looked down and played with my fingers, "there is nothing to fix Mr. Granger she is gifted." He scoffed, "she's been bullied for years ever since she was 8. She could do things no one else can. She hears voices, she can levitate books that a too high for her, she can..."

Professor McGonagall put her hand up silencing my father, "all those are signs of a witch or wizard coming of age. They are all completely normal for a witch," I smiled at the older woman.

All my life I've been called a freak and here this woman is telling me that I am normal.

"Take her then. My wife and I have tried but we can't handle it. Just take her," I let a few tears slip at my father's words.

"Mr. Granger..." The woman didn't finish she just turned to me, "we will sign over guardianship to your school." The older woman sighed and stood up, "no need I'll obliviate your memories it'll be like you never had her."

I walked over to the Professor and she cast the spell, "Hermione dear go get a suitcase for your clothes." I nod and walked up getting a few things like my clothes and my little stuffed griffin.

When I finished I walk downstairs with the suitcase and my new professor held her hand out for me, "what do you have there my child?"

I looked up at her, "this is my griffin." I told her cuddling the stuffed toy. She smiled and we left leaving the Grangers behind.

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